Oracle® SDN User's Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Create an HA PVI VNIC (QDR) (GUI)

HA PVI VNICs are a pair of VNICs in the same PVI that are hosted on the same server. They operate conceptually the same way HA VNICs do. For more information, refer to the However, with HA PVI VNICs, two separate HCA ports are required to configure HA PVI VNICs.

  1. Display the I/O Template Editor and complete the fields above the workspace.
  2. On the workspace toolbar, click the Add an HA VNIC icon.

    The VNIC starts as a standard HA VNIC, but becomes an HA PVI VNIC when attached to a PVI cloud.

  3. Click the HA VNIC and drag to draw a line to the PVI cloud you need.
    image:Graphic of an HA VNIC connected to a single PVI Cloud, with the                             Save to Disk icon highlighted.

    When the HA VNIC is connected to the PVI cloud, the HA PVI VNIC is created and terminated on a port in that PVI cloud.

  4. On the top toolbar, click the disk icon to save the I/O template.
  5. On the I/O Template Summary, verify that the I/O template is created.

    The Status field should show a green check mark.

  6. Repeat this procedure as needed to create multiple HA PVI VNICs.
  7. Push the I/O template to the server(s) in the Oracle SDN environment.

    See Deploy the I/O Template to a Server.

  8. Set up host-side HA.

    See Set Up PVI VNIC Redundancy on Hosts.

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