Oracle® SDN User's Guide

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Updated: November 2016

PVI Modes Overview

Oracle SDN operates in one of two modes, depending on the fabric type in use:

  • For QDR fabrics supplied by the switch's fabric board, PVIs operate in reliable connection (RC) mode. This mode enables server-to-server communication within the QDR fabric. Communication occurs only within IB-connected servers on a virtual network that is an overlay (a PVI) on the IB fabric. RC-mode communication enables east-west traffic on the fabric, and this mode has different IB MTU sizes than UD mode. For more information, see Supported MTU Sizes.

  • For EDR fabrics supplied by the switch's fabric board, PVIs operate in unreliable datagram (UD) mode. This mode enables server-to-server communication from the fabric through a PVI to other parts of the network. In addition to east-west traffic, UD-mode communication enables north-south traffic to egress and ingress the fabric through a gateway uplink. This mode has different IB MTU sizes than RC mode. For more information, see Supported MTU Sizes.

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