Oracle® SDN User's Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Display IB Path Information for a PVI on Hosts (QDR)

Host-side information is available for PVI and PVI VNICs information on Linux and ESX hosts.

  1. Log in to the host server.
  2. Change directory to /proc/driver/xve/devices.
  3. View (cat) the following files:
    • l2.

    • flush_l2, which can be triggered to clear the L2 table on the host.


      Caution  -  Do not flush the host's L2 table unless directed to do so by Oracle personnel.

    • Device file for whichever VNIC(s) are in PVIs (for example the vnic1_pvi1 file, for a VNIC in PVI1).

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