Oracle® SDN User's Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Create a PVI VNIC (EDR) (GUI)

A PVI VNIC is a special type of VNIC that is terminated on a PVI cloud. When the PVI VNIC is terminated on the PVI cloud, it joins the Oracle SDN fabric. Other than needing a PVI cloud for termination, configuring a PVI VNIC is similar to creating a standard VNIC. Use this procedure to create a single PVI VNIC in the EDR environment.

This procedure requires the following:

  • At least one leaf, spine, or virtualization switch

  • A server with a supported, EDR-compatible HCA

  • Supported EDR-compatible MBOM/MPO cables

  1. Display the I/O Template Editor and complete the fields above the workspace.
  2. On the workspace toolbar, click the Add a VNIC icon.

    The VNIC starts as a standard VNIC, but becomes a PVI VNIC when attached to a public cloud.

  3. Click the VNIC and drag to connect it to the public cloud.
    image:Graphic of I/O Template showing a single VNIC connecting to an EDR                             public cloud.
  4. On the I/O Template Summary, verify that the I/O template is created.

    The Status field should show a green check mark.

  5. Repeat this procedure as needed to add single PVI VNICs to the public clouds.

    Each single PVI VNIC can be connected to individual, unique public clouds. You cannot connect two single PVI VNICs to the same public cloud.

    Although the PVI VNIC is created in the template, the PVI VNIC is not yet pushed to the server.

  6. On the top toolbar, click the disk icon to save the I/O template.
  7. Assign the template to the servers in the Oracle SDN environment.

    Proceed to Deploy the I/O Template to a Server.

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