
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

Describe an instance of an activity type in a control flow.



name (type) min/max
parameters (string) 0/1 The list of parameters in the legacy string format.
parameterList/parameter (activityParameter) 0/unbounded The list of parameters.
useParameterList (boolean) 1/1 Whether to override the legacy parameters string with the parameters list.
exit (activityExit) 0/unbounded The activity's exit list.
location (string) 0/1 The activity's location on the CFE canvas.
activityType (string) 0/1 The activity's type, for instance, START, END, COPY, STORE, etc.
fastKey (string) 0/1 The activity's fast key, namely abbreviation name, up to four letters .
name (string) 0/1 The activity's name, label displayed in GUI.
version (int) 1/1 The activity's version number.
activityNumber (int) 1/1 This activity's unique identifying number in the flow.
comments (string) 0/1 The activity's comments string.
hasDynamicExits (boolean) 1/1 Does this activity have dynamic exits.
flow (controlFlow) 0/1 The (optional) linked control flow attached to this activity.
linkedFlowID (integer) 0/1 The ID of the (optional) linked control flow attached to this activity.
linkedFlowName (string) 0/1 The name of the (optional) linked control flow attached to this activity.
serviceName (string) 0/1 The name of (optional) service that "owns" the linked control flow attached to this activity.