
Extends: baseModel
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

A class is used to describe the details of a change set deployment, including its status like whether the change set deployment is active, or inactive, or retracted, information about conflicts this deployment has with other changes that are also based on its baseline change set, and etc.



name (type) min/max
active (boolean) 1/1 whether this deployment is active, based on whether the deployment has an active state and the scheduled date is in the past.
scheduled (boolean) 1/1 whether this deployment is scheduled, based on whether the deployment has an active state and the scheduled date is in the future.
editable (boolean) 1/1 whether this deployment is editable, based on whether the deployment is active and deployed to a production environment.
productionEnvironment (boolean) 1/1 whether this is a production environment.
id (integer) 0/1 The deployment unique database ID.
creationDate (dateTime) 0/1 The creation date.
state (string) 0/1 The current state of the change set deployment. for instance A: active, I: inactive, R: retracted.
scheduledDate (dateTime) 0/1 the scheduled date.
lastUpdated (dateTime) 0/1 the last modified date/time.
baselineId (integer) 0/1 The baseline ID.
changeSet (changeSet) 0/1 The associated change set in this deployment.
environment (integer) 0/1 The ID of the environment which this deployment is associated with.
pipeline (integer) 0/1 The ID of the pipeline which the deployment is associated with.
conflictPotential (conflictPotential) 0/1 Information about conflicts this deployment has with other changes also based on its baseline change set.