
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

Class to define how to present a parameter of an activity, including the data type, the widget type, labelings. a list of default parameter attributes, whether it is optional, whether it is a dynamic exit parameter, and whether it can accept immediate values from user input.



name (type) min/max
activityTypeId (integer) 0/1 The associated activity type database ID.
parameterNumber (int) 1/1 The parameter index number.
keyLabel (string) 0/1 The internal key label of this parameter.
editLabel (string) 0/1 The (external) visible and editable label used for capturing this parameter.
valueType (string) 0/1 The widget type for this parameter e.g. INTEGERFIELD, STRINGFIELD.
imdAccepted (integer) 0/1 Whether accepts immediate values.
optional (integer) 0/1 Whether the parameter value is optional.
dynamicExitParam (integer) 0/1 Whether the parameter is a dynamic exit parameter.
dataTypes (string) 0/1 The Data types for this parameter e.g. string, integer.
defaultAttributes/defaultAttribute (activityParameterAttribute) 0/unbounded The list of default attributes for this parameter definition.