
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

Describes a single validation issue pertaining to a flow. Does not contain any textual explanation, because issueType is used to form the key of a language specific rendering in the front end.



name (type) min/max
issueType (issueType) 0/1 The type of issue. Values include: NoStartActivity: Contains no Start activity (reachability test bypassed). MultipleStartActivities: There is more than one Start activity in this control flow. InvalidLoopingDetected: The flow loops but it's not supposed to. ActivityTypeUnknown: Activity type is not recognized. ParameterTypeUnknown: Parameter type is not recognized. ActivityExitNotConnected: Exit is not connected. ActivityUnreachable: Activity cannot be reached from the start activity. ActivityExitReferenceInvalid: Activity exit refers to non-existent activity. CapabilityMissing: Activity needs a missing capability. ParameterShouldBeInteger: Parameter is not numeric. ParameterShouldBeBinary: Parameter is not 0 or 1. ParameterTooLong: Parameter value is too long for this field. TooManyExits: Too many exits in this activity. NotEnoughExits: Not enough exits in this activity. ParameterNotSet: This parameter has not been set at all. ParameterLessThanMinimum: This parameter is lower than its allowable minimum. ParameterGreaterThanMaximum: This parameter is greater than its allowable minimum. WrongNumberOfParameters: The activity has the wrong number of parameters. ExternalConceptNotFound: Value entered in PROFILETAGSelector does not exist. IOValueTypeUnknown: ioValueType not recognized. EdrFieldUnknown: EDR Field not recognized. InvalidDynamicExitFormat: Dynamic Exit configuration has an invalid format. InvalidDynamicExitNumber: Dynamic Exit configuration has a non integer value for an exit. LinkedFlowNotFound: The linked flow could not be found (has it been deleted since this flow was configured?). ParameterShouldBeBoolean: Parameter is not true or false. ExternalConceptWrongType: External concept chosen in PROFILETAGSelector not in list of allowed types. TemplateNotFound: Template specified in TEMPLATE parameter doesn't exist. ServiceDataObjectNotFound: Service Data Object specified in parameter doesn't exist. InvalidAVP: Invalid AVP definition in charging template. UnknownComboEntry: COMBOBOX entry does not match one of the valid entries defined in default data. ParameterShouldBeFloat: Parameter is not a floating point number. ServiceDataObjectInvalid: Service data item specified in parameter has an invalid format. PrefixTreeInvalidStructure: PrefixTree has an invalid structure. DuplicatePrefix: PrefixTree contains a duplicate prefix.
activityPath (string) 0/1 Activity this issue relates to. It may be a path to a linked control flow activity (optional).
capabilityName (string) 0/1 Capability name, if involved (optional).
exitNumber (int) 1/1 Exit number this issue relates to (optional).
parameterNumber (int) 1/1 Parameter number this issue relates to.