
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

A simplified reference class to a particular version of a control flow without its content, suitable for transmitting in lists.



name (type) min/max
id (integer) 0/1 The control flow unique database ID.
permanentId (integer) 0/1 The permanently visible control flow ID.
name (string) 0/1 The control flow name.
description (string) 0/1 The control flow description.
deleted (boolean) 1/1 Whether this control flow is deleted.
allowedAsLinkedControlFlow (boolean) 1/1 Whether this control flow is allowed as linked control flow (can the flow be invoked from RCF or RSD?).
buildData (string) 0/1 A character indicating the result of the control flow compilation. B = to be built, E = Error, S = Success.
revisions (controlFlowRevision) 0/unbounded The list of revisions of this control flow.