
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

A class is used to express the result of a control flow update, including whether the update is successful, the reason for failure if any, the issues during validation, and the detailed differences between the current and the previous version of the control flow. It helps the client code to decipher what happened, without having to parse messages.



name (type) min/max
message (string) 0/1 A message explaining the result (e.g. reasons for failure).
id (integer) 0/1 The database ID of this newly created control flow.
permanentId (integer) 0/1 The permanent ID of this newly created control flow.
success (boolean) 1/1 Whether the update is successful.
issues (validationIssue) 0/unbounded The list of validation issues in this flow.
differencesFromParent (controlFlowDifferences) 0/1 Differences between this flow and its parent.