
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

Describes a single activity type, its characteristics, including its display name, its palette group, parameters, number of branches, and exits, as well as the required capabilities.



name (type) min/max
id (integer) 0/1 The activity type's unique ID..
name (string) 0/1 The activity type name.
version (decimal) 0/1 The activity type version.
displayName (string) 0/1 The activity type display name.
actGroup (string) 0/1 The palette group name that this activity is associated to (where this activity type is presented in the management GUI's control flow editing tool).
description (string) 0/1 The activity type description.
sortNumber (int) 1/1 The activity type group sort position.
dynamicExitType (string) 0/1 The dynamic exit type name. null if no dynamic exits for this activity. Possible exit types include Event Exit, Prefix Exit, or regular parameter Exit.
minNumBranches (short) 1/1 The min number of branches required for this activity.
maxNumBranches (short) 1/1 The max number of branches allowed for this activity.
numDataParms (short) 1/1 The number of parameters in this activity's configuration data.
fastKey (string) 0/1 The activity type fast key, abbreviation name up to four letters.
defaultData (string) 0/1 The default parameter values in a string format.
defaultNumBranches (short) 0/1 The default number of branches.
defaultActName (string) 0/1 The default activity display name when creating an activity.
shortcutKey (unsignedShort) 0/1 Character that is used as a keyboard short cut to this activity.
parameters (activityParameterDefinition) 0/unbounded The list of parameters that are used to configure this activity type.
exits (activityExitDefinition) 0/unbounded The list of exits used by this activity type.
requiredCapabilities (capability) 0/unbounded The required capabilities for this activity.