
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

A simple view of a control flow as a service.



name (type) min/max
id (integer) 0/1 The flow's database ID.
changeSetId (integer) 0/1 The ID of the change set in which this control flow is created.
name (string) 0/1 The name of the control flow.
description (string) 0/1 The description of the control flow.
trigger (string) 0/1 The control flow's service trigger criterion (the trigger name, for instance Deregister, Originating, Register, TADS, Terminating, SIP Invite, SIP Options, SIP Register, SIP Subscribe).
linkedControlFlows/linkedControlFlow (controlFlowAsService) 0/unbounded The list of sub services/linked control flows directly used inside this triggering flow.
resources/resource (serviceResource) 0/unbounded The list of resources used in the flows comprising this service.
appTriggers/appTrigger (appTrigger) 0/unbounded The list of appTrigger objects associated with the flow.