
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

The enumerated types of issue. When adding an issue type: 1. Add an entry to the issueTypes ordinal array (above). 2. Add an entry to the GUI/nls/root/strings.txt file and then regenerate the translation.js files using the script.

Possible Values

value description
NoStartActivity 0. Contains no Start activity (reachability test bypassed).
MultipleStartActivities 1. There is more than one Start activity in this control flow.
InvalidLoopingDetected 2. The flow loops but it's not supposed to.
ActivityTypeUnknown 3. Activity type is not recognized.
ParameterTypeUnknown 4. Parameter type is not recognized.
ActivityExitNotConnected 5. Exit is not connected.
ActivityUnreachable 6. Activity cannot be reached from the start activity.
ActivityExitReferenceInvalid 7. Activity exit refers to non-existent activity.
CapabilityMissing 8. Activity needs a missing capability.
ParameterShouldBeInteger 9. Parameter is not numeric.
ParameterShouldBeBinary 10. Parameter is not 0 or 1.
ParameterTooLong 11. Parameter value is too long for this field.
TooManyExits 12. Too many exits in this activity.
NotEnoughExits 13. Not enough exits in this activity.
ParameterNotSet 14. This parameter has not been set at all.
ParameterLessThanMinimum 15. This parameter is lower than its allowable minimum.
ParameterGreaterThanMaximum 16. This parameter is greater than its allowable minimum.
WrongNumberOfParameters 17. The activity has the wrong number of parameters.
ExternalConceptNotFound 18. Value entered in PROFILETAGSelector does not exist.
IOValueTypeUnknown 19. ioValueType not recognized.
EdrFieldUnknown 20. EDR Field not recognized.
InvalidDynamicExitFormat 21. Dynamic Exit configuration has an invalid format.
InvalidDynamicExitNumber 22. Dynamic Exit configuration has a non integer value for an exit.
LinkedFlowNotFound 23. The linked flow could not be found (has it been deleted since this flow was configured?).
ParameterShouldBeBoolean 24. Parameter is not true or false.
ExternalConceptWrongType 25. External concept chosen in PROFILETAGSelector not in list of allowed types.
TemplateNotFound 26. Template specified in TEMPLATE parameter doesn't exist.
ServiceDataObjectNotFound 27. Service Data Object specified in parameter doesn't exist.
InvalidAVP 28. Invalid AVP definition in charging template.
UnknownComboEntry 29. COMBOBOX entry does not match one of the valid entries defined in default data.
ParameterShouldBeFloat 30. Parameter is not a floating point number.
ServiceDataObjectInvalid 31. Service data item specified in parameter has an invalid format.
PrefixTreeInvalidStructure 32. PrefixTree has an invalid structure.
DuplicatePrefix 33. PrefixTree contains a duplicate prefix.