The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

3.6 Accessing Gluster Volumes

Access to Gluster volumes is provided through a number of different network file system technologies including NFS, Samba and a Gluster native client that uses the File System in Userspace (FUSE) software interface to provide access to the volume.

If you need to mount the Gluster volume locally on one of the nodes, you should treat this as an additional mount exactly as if you were mounting from a remote host.


Editing the data within the volume directly on the file system on each node can quickly lead to split-brain scenarios and potential file system corruption.

3.6.1 Accessing Volumes using NFS

You can expose volumes using NFS-Ganesha. NFS-Ganesha is a user space file server for the NFS protocol. It provides a FUSE-compatible File System Abstraction Layer (FSAL) to allow access from any NFS client.

To access a volume using NFS:

On each node in the trusted storage pool on which you want to enable NFS access:

  1. Install the Gluster NFS-Ganesha client packages:

    # yum install nfs-ganesha-gluster
  2. Create an export configuration file in the /etc/ganesha/exports directory. This file contains the NFS export information for NFS Ganesha. In this example we use the file name export.myvolume.conf to export a volume named myvolume to an NFS share located at /myvolume on the node.

        Export_Id = 1 ;   # Export ID unique to each export
        Path = "/myvolume";  # Path of the volume to be exported. Eg: "/test_volume"
        FSAL {
            name = GLUSTER;
            hostname = "localhost";  # IP of one of the nodes in the trusted pool
            volume = "myvolume";  # Volume name. Eg: "test_volume"
        Access_type = RW;    # Access permissions
        Squash = No_root_squash; # To enable/disable root squashing
        Disable_ACL = TRUE;  # To enable/disable ACL
        Pseudo = "/myvolume";  # NFSv4 pseudo path for this export. Eg: "/test_volume_pseudo"
        Protocols = "3","4" ;    # NFS protocols supported
        Transports = "UDP","TCP" ; # Transport protocols supported
        SecType = "sys";     # Security flavors supported

    Edit the /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf file to include the new export configuration file, for example:

    %include "/etc/ganesha/exports/export.myvolume.conf"
  3. Enable and start the nfs-ganesha service:

    # systemctl enable --now nfs-ganesha

    If the volume is created after you set up access using NFS, you must reload the nfs-ganesha service:

    # systemctl reload-or-restart nfs-ganesha
  4. Check the volume is exported:

    # showmount -e localhost
    Export list for localhost:
    /myvolume (everyone)
  5. To connect to the volume from an NFS client, mount the NFS share, for example:

    # mkdir /gluster-storage
    # mount node1:/myvolume /gluster-storage

    Any files created in this /gluster-storage directory on the NFS client are written to the Gluster volume.