The Personalization module includes a standard profile repository definition with the configuration path name /atg/userprofiling/userProfile.xml, located in <ATG11dir>/DPS/config/profile.jar. This is the default repository definition used by the ProfileAdapterRepository. You can use it as is, use it as a model, or extend it, as determined by the user profiling needs of your application. You can use the standard user profile repository definition with no changes if the following conditions are true:

Should the standard user profile repository definition includes profile properties you do not need, your application can ignore the unneeded properties, as long as those profile properties allow null values.

The standard profile repository definition in the Personalization module defines the following item descriptors:

Item Descriptor Name



represents a single user, typically an external user (a customer or other visitor to your Web sites)


the contact information for a user, including name, postal address, phone number and fax number


properties used for contacting a user by e-mail, including properties used by the Targeted E-mail facility


properties that define the non-assignable roles assigned to a user


properties that define the global roles assigned to a user


represents an organization


defines the folders in which you can place organizations


defines the folders in which you can place global roles


defines profile realms for use within multisite environments

Other Oracle Commerce Platform modules, including the Motorprise demo and Commerce, extend this profile repository definition, adding new item descriptors and properties. Each module that extends the profile repository definition includes its own definition file, each of which is also located in the configuration path at /atg/userprofiling/userProfile.xml. The system combines all of these profile repository definition files into a single composite repository definition, using the XML file combination rules described in the XML File Combination section of the Nucleus: Organizing JavaBean Components chapter in the Platform Programming Guide.

For more information on defining organizations and roles, see the Working with the Dynamo User Directoryy chapter in this manual. For information on the item descriptors added with Motorprise, refer to the Business Commerce Reference Application Guide. For information on the item descriptors added with Commerce, refer to the Core Commerce Programming Guide.

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