Once you’ve set up a Rule Set Service for your rules, you implement targeting with the rules by setting up a RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter service that uses the Rule Set Service. Do this by creating a targeter component as an instance of atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter. Continuing with the example in Setting Up a RuleSetService, you would create a component with a name like NewEnglandSnowboardersTargeter.

A RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter component can have the following properties:


The repository that holds content objects to match against the profiles in the source.


The Nucleus path name of the Rule Set Service used by the targeter component.


The following example shows how a NewEnglandSnowboardersTargeter.properties file could look.


Note that when you create a targeter component using the Business Control Center or the ACC, the component you create is an instance of atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter with a Nucleus address of /atg/registry/RepositoryTargeters.

Note also that multisite features are not supported by the ACC.

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