You can use the ACC’s Targeting > Profile Groups window to define rules that group user profiles, based on the available profile attributes in your profile template. Each profile group you define becomes a boolean attribute of each user profile. For example, if you define a profile group named Retirees, members of that profile group will have a retirees attribute with a value of true. You can create rules that target group members like this:

<rule op=eq>
  <valueof target="retirees">
  <valueof constant="true">

Profile groups created in the ACC’s Targeting > Profile Groups window are of class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup. You can also define a profile group by hand, by creating a component whose class is atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup, and placing the component in the configuration tree at /atg/registry/RepositoryGroups/UserProfiles.

Profile groups that you create by hand appear in the Profile Groups window (along with any profile groups created in that window), but these groups are not identified by the profile group icon (), and cannot be edited in the Profile Groups window. (Only profile groups created in the Profile Groups window can be edited there; these profile groups store rules in a special format because of the way the ACC interface represents them.) However, profile groups created by hand are still available in the Targeting > Content Targeters window to use in creating targeters.

Profile groups created by hand are also available as non-assignable roles in the Dynamo User Directory. Since membership in a profile group is determined by a set of rules, you cannot arbitrarily assign users to a profile group in the ACC screens that manipulate the User Directory. You can query the User Directory to find users who are assigned to a specific profile group. For more information see Working with the Dynamo User Directory in this guide.

To create a profile group by hand:

  1. Create a rule set service that defines the profiles to include in the profile group. See the Setting Up a RuleSetService section.

  2. In the ACC, select Pages and Components > by Path.

  3. Select /atg/registry/RepositoryGroups/UserProfiles.

  4. From the File menu, select New Component.

  5. In the Select Component Template dialog box, select Dynamo from the Modules list, and then select Generic Component from the Templates list. Click OK.

  6. In the Generic Component Wizard, specify the class as atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup. Click Finish.

  7. In the Input New Component Name dialog box, enter a name for the profile group, and click OK.

    The new component opens in the Component Editor.

  8. In the Component Editor, set the Configured Value of the repository property to the Nucleus address of the profile repository; for example, /atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository.

  9. Set the Configured Value of the ruleSetService property to the Nucleus address of the rule set service you created in step 1; for example, /atg/targeting/AggressiveInvestorsRuleSetService.

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