To detect bounced e-mail, the Oracle Commerce Platform uses the class. This service implements a standard POP3 e-mail client. It periodically checks for incoming mail on a specified POP3 server, and it determines which messages are bounced-back messages. For each bounced message, it generates an event of class, which contains information about the bounced message.

The Personalization module includes an class which handles these events. An EmailManager component registers itself with the StoreService as a listener. When the StoreService generates a mail bounce event, the EmailManager looks at the e-mail address of the bounced message, finds all profiles that use that address, and marks those profiles as being ineligible for receiving e-mail by setting the emailStatus property to invalid.

Once a user’s profile is marked as ineligible to receive e-mail, future mailings will skip this user. This cuts down on the number of bounced messages and provides a mechanism for flagging users with invalid e-mail addresses. For example, when a user logs into a site, you could check if the user’s e-mail address is marked as invalid, and if it is, prompt the user to enter a new address. When the new address is submitted, your application should then set the emailStatus property to valid to include this user in future mailings.

Note also that the InboundEmail event in the Scenarios module is fired whenever the StoreService receives an e-mail, and it contains various properties that you can use to create scenarios triggered by the arrival of bounced e-mails. For example, you could set up a scenario that notifies your customer service department when a bounced e-mail is received. For more information, refer to InboundEmail Event.

Enabling Bounced E-mail Detection

To enable bounced e-mail detection, you must configure the /atg/dynamo/service/POP3Service component, which is an instance of class, to retrieve mail from a POP3 e-mail server. The following table summarizes the key properties of this component:




The protocol to use for retrieving messages, either pop3 or imap.

Default: pop3


User name for the e-mail account.


Password for the e-mail account.


Name of the POP server, for example


Interval at which the component checks the POP server for new e-mail.

Default: every 15 seconds


The name of the service that the component uses to schedule the task of checking for new e-mail.

Default: /atg/dynamo/service/Scheduler


Directory for the POP client to store e-mail attachments.

Default: /tmp


Indicates whether to delete bounced-back e-mail messages from the server after retrieving them.

Default: true


Indicates whether to delete e-mail messages (other than bounced-back messages) from the server after retrieving them.

Default: false


An array of EmailExaminer components that you want the POP3Service to use when determining if an email is bounced. (See below.)



In addition to the POP3Service component, you must also have an EmailManager component running. To ensure that both of these services start up when your Oracle Commerce Platform application starts, add them to the initialServices property of an atg.nucleus.InitialService component, such as the /atg/dynamo/service/Initial component.

Note that there must be only one instance of each of these services on a site. In other words, if an application has a single database but multiple servers running Oracle Commerce Platform products, only one of the Oracle Commerce Platform servers should run these services.

You must also configure and enable the specific emailExaminer components that you want the POP3Service to use to identify bounced e-mail messages. See the next section, Detecting Bounced E-mail Messages from Different MTAs.

Detecting Bounced E-mail Messages from Different MTAs

The format of each bounced message can vary depending on the type of MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) that sent it. The StoreService handles these different formats by means of one or more implementations of the interface. Several classes that implement this interface are supplied by default with the Personalization module:

  • See SendmailExaminer Component for more information.

  • See EximExaminer Component.

  • You can use this class to detect bounced messages from other MTAs by configuring regular expressions. (The examiner looks for configurable string expressions inside the text of the bounced message to determine the various properties of the e-mail.) Two default implementations are provided for interpreting bounced Microsoft Exchange Server messages: /atg/dynamo/service/MSExchange5Examiner and /atg/dynamo/service/MSExchange6Examiner.

You specify the examiner component or components you want to use to check bounced e-mail messages in the emailExaminers property of the POP3Service component.

SendmailExaminer Component

The /atg/dynamo/service/SendmailExaminer component is an implementation of the class that you can use to detect bounced e-mail messages returned by sendmail MTA systems.

The component determines whether a message is bounced by looking for specific String expressions within the message text. For example, the following text would allow this component to determine that the message is bounced:

<<< 550 5.1.1 <>... User unknown

The SendmailExaminer component looks for the String <<< n, where n is any of the reply codes specified in the component’s monitoredBounceReplyCodes property (550, in this example). If the String exists, the message is considered bounced.

In addition, it checks for any reply codes that are specified in the monitoredBounceReplyCodes property (see below).

An RFC 1893 enhanced status code appears after the bounce indicator String. In this example, the value is 5.1.1. This implementation assumes a space character after the reply code followed by a status code that is 5 characters long. The bounced e-mail address (here, appears between the < and > characters after the bounced indicator. The error message appears after the first ... that is found after the bounce indicator. In this example, the error message is User unknown. Note that the text of the error message is a mail server-specific interpretation of the status code, and therefore the error message varies from one mail server to another.

The SendmailExaminer component is not enabled by default. It contains the following key properties:




The MTA format to which this examiner corresponds.

Default: sendmail


An array of Strings that represent RFC 821 reply codes from bounced e-mail messages. When an examiner checks an e-mail message to see if it is bounced, it looks for specific text and a reply code.

If the monitoredBounceReplyCodes property is not set, a message is considered bounced if its text includes the characters <<< followed by any reply code that starts with 5.

If the monitoredBounceReplyCodes property is set, the same characters are looked for, but the component performs an additional check to ensure that the reply code for the message matches one in this property. If it does not, the message is not considered bounced.

EximExaminer Component

The /atg/dynamo/service/EximExaminer component is an implementation of the class that you can use to detect bounced e-mail messages returned by exim MTA systems.

The component determines whether a message is bounced by looking for the following header in the message:


In addition, it checks for any reply codes that are specified in the monitoredBounceReplyCodes property (see below).

This component is not enabled by default. It contains the following key properties:




The MTA format to which this examiner corresponds.

Default: exim


An array of Strings that represent RFC 821 reply codes from bounced e-mail messages. When an examiner checks an e-mail message to see if it is bounced, it looks for specific text and a reply code.

If the monitoredBounceReplyCodes property is not set, a message is considered bounced if it includes a specific message header (X-failed-recipients).

If the monitoredBounceReplyCodes property is set, the component performs an additional check to ensure that the reply code for the message matches one in this property. If it does not, the message is not considered bounced.

Identifying Soft-Bounced Messages

A “soft bounce” can be defined as a transient delivery failure, one where a message is bounced for reasons that are usually temporary, for example the user’s mailbox is full or a server is too busy to handle the request. In such cases you may want to resend the mailing at a later time or otherwise identify the bounced e-mail recipient as only temporarily unavailable. The softBounceReplyCodes and softBounceEnhancedStatusCodes properties in the EmailExaminer implementations described above can be used to track soft bounce messages, which are identified by their RFC 821 and 1893 error codes.

By default, most soft bounce reply codes being with the number 4. However, there are some soft bounce reply codes that begin with the number 5. For example the code 552 is used to produce an error indicating that the mail action was not completed because of exceeded storage allocation. You can identify additional codes by adding them in a comma separated list to the configuredSoftBounceCodes property in the /atg/service/email/EmailSoftBounceCodes properties file. For example:

configuredSoftBounceCodes=552, 598
Retrieving Tracking Data from a Bounced E-mail

You can send tracking data with a mailing for subsequent retrieval from a bounced message. To add tracking data to a mailing, add name/value pairs to the trackingData Map property in the TemplateEmailInfoImpl object. Alternatively, call the appropriate methods in the interface, which is implemented by the class (/atg/dynamo/service/SMTPEmail or /atg/dynamo/service/EmailListenerQueue components). As described earlier, when the StoreService receives a bounced e-mail, it sends out bounce events to any configured listeners. The trackingData Map property in the bounce events contains any tracking data that could be retrieved from the bounced message.

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