You can create and maintain distinct sets of scenarios for internal users, such as customer service representatives, and external users (customers or other external site visitors). Doing so requires the configuration of an internal scenario manager that runs against the internal user profile repository. The internal scenario manager is started by the DSS.InternalUsers module, which is provided with the Oracle Commerce Platform and some applications.

Setting up the internal scenario manager is very similar to setting up the scenario manager that is started by the standard DSS module. Unless you specify otherwise, the first server that is started is assumed to be the process editor server. See Configuring the Scenario Manager for more information.

The component that represents the internal scenario manager is /atg/scenario/InternalScenarioManager, and the subject for its scenarios is a User item from the internal profile repository The internal scenario manager configuration file is internalScenarioManager.xml, which is located by default in <ATG11dir>\DSS\InternalUsers\config.jar.

Scenarios that you create while the internal scenario manager is running are stored in the following directory: <ATG11dir>\home\localconfig\atg\registry\data\internalscenarios.

Note that the scenario manager and the internal scenario manager listen for message events on different ports. This behavior ensures that events that reference the external user profile repository are sent to the external scenario manager, and events that reference the internal profile repository are sent to the internal scenario manager.

Note also that the ACC is configured by default to point to the external user profile repository. If you want to create scenarios that run against internal user profiles, you must start your application with the DSS.InternalUsers.ACC module. This module requires the DSS.InternalUsers module.

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