The following are the classes and interfaces that you use to work with workflows:


The primary interface that exposes features of the workflow system. The WorkflowManager can be queried to obtain global workflow status information as well as the underlying workflow process information (via the associated ProcessManager). It also supports creation of workflow views that expose user-specific features of the workflow system.


This interface exposes workflow features to a notional user of the workflow system, such as a specific user or Persona. A workflow view provides status information about workflow instances, tasks, and outcomes, allows new workflow instances to be started, and permits task outcomes to be fired to existing workflow instances. All of these operations are implicitly performed from the point of view of the user, and the view exposes only those workflow objects that are accessible to the user. It is also possible for a WorkflowView to be global, that is, not associated with any user. A global view performs no access control, thereby providing an unconstrained view of the workflow system.

atg.workflow classes and interfaces

Used to expose various workflow-related information. The descriptor classes (WorkflowDescriptor, TaskDescriptor, OutcomeDescriptor) describe workflows, their tasks, and outcomes. The TaskInfo class keeps track of the runtime information associated with workflow tasks. TaskQueryOptions is a helper class used by both WorkflowManager and WorkflowView when querying for tasks. The WorkflowAccessRights and TaskAccessRights interfaces expose the access rights associated with workflows and tasks. The WorkflowConfiguration class stores configuration information that is shared by multiple workflow components.

atg.workflow.servlet classes

Include the workflow servlet bean and form handler classes. These are described in more detail in the Workflow Servlet Beans and Workflow Task Form Handler sections.


This interface includes several methods that provide workflow support. Specifically, these are the getProcessInstanceInfos methods, which can be used to obtain runtime information about the process instances currently going through a process.

atg.process classes

Support ProcessManager methods and their use by the workflow system: ProcessInstanceInfo, ProcessElementInfo, and ProcessWaitState.

For more information about these classes and interfaces, see the ATG Platform API Reference.

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