The /atg/userprofiling/ProfileUserDirectorySpider component is a service that periodically walks the LDAP user and organization hierarchy on a specified schedule, thereby pulling user and organization information from LDAP into the SQL repository.

Using this component is not required; if you do not need this behavior, set the userDirectorySpider property in the ProfileUserDirectoryProperties component to null.

The code below is an example of a file.

# Version: $Change: 217855 $$DateTime: 2001/10/31 14:12:45 $

schedule=every 1 hour in 1 hour

Set the properties of this component as follows.




The name of the LDAP user directory to walk.


The Nucleus address of the scheduler service that manages the schedule on which the spider walks the user directory.


The schedule on which the spider walks the user directory.

Note that a default instance of this component is not provided with the Personalization module. If you want to use this component, create an instance of class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectorySpider and configure it as shown here.

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