Chapter 7 Accessing Applications on the Virtual Machines

The Corente Virtual Services Gateway Software in the Corente Virtual Services Gateway Virtual Environment (CVSG-VE) edition enforces and secures all remote access to the virtual machines (VMs) and their applications. Policy rules may be configured to allow access to the VMs from partner Locations, CVSG-VE Locations, or Corente Clients. The VMs and their applications are accessible by these partners only via tubes through secure Corente tunnels.

Each VM appears on the CVSG-VE Location’s local network in exactly the same manner as a physical machine. Thus, VMs and their applications are accessible by machines on the CVSG-VE Location’s LAN when those machines are on the same subnet as the CVSG-VE Location or routing is in place that allows the machines to access the CVSG-VE Location. VMs may use any protocol to communicate with other LAN devices (or even other VMs).