2.3 Configuring the Guest Operating System

The Guest Operating System itself should always be configured to obtain its IP address via DHCP. This allows for a single master image of the VM to be deployed at multiple locations without modification. The CVSG-VE Location will intercept the Guest VM’s DHCP requests and may satisfy them, if the VM was assigned a static IP address in the App Net Manager configuration or if the internal Corente Virtual Services Gateway Software is configured as a DHCP server for the LAN. If the CVSG-VE Location has not been configured as a DHCP server and the Guest VM addresses are configured in App Net Manager to be obtained via DHCP, the DHCP requests will be forwarded to the Customer LAN where they will be satisfied by the customer’s DHCP server. In all cases, the CVSG-VE Location will automatically set the default route of the Guest VM to point to the internal Corente Virtual Services Gateway Software. To summarize:

Table 2.1 Guest Operating System Configuration

Guest VM Created to Obtain Its IP Address ViaCVSG-VE Location Configured AsConfiguration in App Net Manager for Guest VM to Obtain Its IP Address ViaBehavior
DHCPDHCP ServerStaticStatic address specified in App Net Manager will be assigned to Guest VM
DHCPDHCP ServerDHCPAddress from CVSG-VE Location’s DHCP pool will be assigned to Guest VM
DHCPNot DHCP ServerStaticStatic address specified in App Net Manager will be assigned to Guest VM
DHCPNot DHCP ServerDHCPDHCP request will be forwarded to Customer’s DHCP server; the response address will be assigned to Guest VM
Static (not recommended)  Guest VM will have the specified address; the default gateway of the Guest VM will not be set by the CVSG-VE Location