3.1 Routing

All head-end Corente Virtual Services Gateways in the datacenter must be able to connect to the Corente Services Control Point (SCP) and receive incoming connections from the CVSG-VE Locations (i.e., be able to reach the Internet).

In the datacenter, routing must be configured to route traffic from the participating data center machines to the gateways so that traffic can reach the virtual machines (VMs) of the CVSG-VE Locations. You have two choices for providing routes to the VMs:

  • You can configure static routes on your routers to reach each VM. If Inbound NAT is being used at the datacenter, all routes must be configured using the NATed addresses of the VMs.

  • You can enable RIPv2, OSPF, and/or BGP on the Corente Virtual Services Gateways and routers at the datacenter to automatically broadcast and receive routes.