5.3 Monitoring

The Reports feature of App Net Manager provides graphs that allow you to monitor the performance of the applications, CVSG-VE Locations, and Locations in your Corente domain (including bandwidth usage, latency, and loss measurements over time) and logs that allow you to monitor various activities (such as administrator activity, Corente Client activity, etc.). This monitoring is automatically performed on all traffic that is routed through a Corente Location or CVSG-VE Location. For more information on Corente monitoring, refer to the “Reports” chapter of the III. Corente Services Administration manual.

Additionally, monitoring can be enabled for each VM on a CVSG-VE Location as if the VM were a standalone server on the LAN. This includes application monitoring for the application(s) on a VM, which provides insight into the functionality and performance of each application, and server monitoring, which allows you to verify that resource consumption on the VM (i.e., CPU, disk, swap space, and memory usage) falls within specified limits (note that the availability of server monitoring is subject to the Guest OS of the VM having the appropriate SNMP agent and MIBs installed).

You can also use SNMP v1, v2, or v3 to remotely monitor your CVSG-VE Locations and each of their tunnel connections. For more information on setting up and using SNMP monitoring with Corente, refer to the “SNMP” chapter of the III. Corente Services Administration manual.