3.2 Inbound NAT All CVSG-VE Locations

To ensure that all CVSG-VE Locations have unique address spaces for their LANs, it is recommended that the head-end gateway(s) at the datacenter perform inbound NAT on all CVSG-VE Location partners to translate the VM addresses into address that are unique at the datacenter. Inbound NAT is configured on the Partners tab of the Location form for each Corente Virtual Services Gateway.

If you have more than one (1) head-end gateway at the datacenter, you must maintain consistent address mapping of the CVSG-VE Locations among those head-end gateways. This will require you to identify a pool of unique addresses that you can use for inbound NATing at the datacenter. Each CVSG-VE Location must be assigned a set of addresses out of the NAT pool that cannot be assigned to any other CVSG-VE Location, and this particular set of addresses must be used for this particular CVSG-VE Location on all of the head-end gateways. You must maintain a record of how each CVSG-VE Location has been re-mapped, and each time you create a new CVSG-VE Location that is partnered with your datacenter, you must take a set of addresses out of the NAT pool and configure the head-end gateways to inbound NAT the new CVSG-VE Location’s virtual LAN to this set of addresses.

Note that the addresses used for inbound NAT must be consistent within a single datacenter, but if another datacenter or Location is partnered with the CVSG-VE Locations and is also using inbound NAT to translate their addresses, the addresses used do not have to be consistent with the inbound NATing of any other Location partners or datacenters.

To view the addresses of the CVSG-VE Locations and their LANs once they have been remapped, the Corente NAT table on each head-end gateway is available through SNMP poll and traps. These NAT tables map the NAT’ed address space to the actual customer network. You can also access the Corente Gateway Viewer application of any of the head-end gateways and open the NAT page, which will also show the mapping of NAT’ed addresses.

When inbound NAT is used to ensure unique address spaces, and the Corente DNS server or updater is configured, DNS queries at the datacenter will return the NATed addresses.