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Oracle® SuperCluster M7 系列管理指南


更新时间: 2015 年 12 月


每台存储服务器上的磁盘控制器都定期对控制器电池进行放电和充电。操作期间,写高速缓存策略从回写高速缓存更改为直写式高速缓存。直写式高速缓存模式比回写高速缓存模式慢。不过,在存储服务器断电或出现故障时,回写高速缓存模式存在丢失数据的风险。对于早于发行版 的存储服务器发行版,此操作每月执行一次。对于 Oracle Exadata Storage Server Software 发行版 和更高版本,此操作每三个月执行一次,例如,在一月、四月、七月和十月的 17 日 01:00 执行。

  1. 通过键入类似于以下内容的命令,更改记忆周期发生的开始时间。

    CellCLI> ALTER CELL bbuLearnCycleTime="2011-01-22T02:00:00-08:00"


  2. 查看下一个记忆周期的时间。

    CellCLI> LIST CELL ATTRIBUTES bbuLearnCycleTime


    HDD disk controller battery on disk controller at adapter 0 is going into a learn cycle. This is a normal maintenance activity that occurs quarterly and runs for approximately 1 to 12 hours. The disk controller cache might go into WriteThrough caching mode during the learn cycle. Disk write throughput might be temporarily lower during this time. The message is informational only, no action is required.

  3. 查看电池的状态。

    # /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -a0


    BBU status for Adapter: 0
    BatteryType: iBBU08
    Voltage: 3721 mV
    Current: 541 mA
    Temperature: 43 C
    BBU Firmware Status:
    Charging Status : Charging
    Voltage : OK
    Temperature : OK
    Learn Cycle Requested : No
    Learn Cycle Active : No
    Learn Cycle Status : OK
    Learn Cycle Timeout : No
    I2c Errors Detected : No
    Battery Pack Missing : No
    Battery Replacement required : No
    Remaining Capacity Low : Yes
    Periodic Learn Required : No
    Transparent Learn : No
    Battery state:
    Fully Discharged : No
    Fully Charged : No
    Discharging : No
    Initialized : No
    Remaining Time Alarm : Yes
    Remaining Capacity Alarm: No
    Discharge Terminated : No
    Over Temperature : No
    Charging Terminated : No
    Over Charged : No
    Relative State of Charge: 7 %
    Charger System State: 1
    Charger System Ctrl: 0
    Charging current: 541 mA
    Absolute State of Charge: 0%
    Max Error: 0 %
    Exit Code: 0x00
