Alert Subscriber

The following program description deals with the following:

Remarks on the Program Function

With this program, you can update the data for an alert subscriber, i.e. create a new data record, modify or delete existing data. You can also view the stored data for information purposes.

From Version 3.0 of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application, an alert system can be configured to generate various different system- or user-defined events for a particular subscriber. In addition, the recipient to whom the alert messages are to be sent will be defined.

The recipient can be a user at the administration terminal, at a POS, a local printer, an e-mail address or sms no.

In general, alert messages will be generated only if a subscriber has been set up in the system and if the appropriate configuration for the various alert messages has been set up.

Click on the image to receive further help on how to set up an Alert manager.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these basic data

Just like in almost any other program:


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number of the installation this alert subscriber is (to be) assigned to. The name of the installation will appear on the right-hand side.

For a new programming, enter a free number into the key fields.

Alert Subscriber

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number under which this alert subscriber is to be stored in the system.

When creating a new record, enter a free number into the key fields.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter a name for this subscriber.

Installation type no.

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number of the installation type to be assigned to this subscriber. Installation types are required for assignment of alert parameters.

Alert parameter

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

In this field, you have to select the alert parameter for which this subscriber wants to receive a message. You can select all parameters which are saved in the system for the corresponding installation type. Please ensure that the corresponding installation type has been assigned to this installation in the backup program System -> Configuration - Installation in the Installation type No. field.

Select one of the alert parameters provided: Click in the field and select the parameter of your choice with another mouseclick.

Information Method

Field with defined selection options

Here you can chose the recipient of the alert messages of a subscriber.

Select one of the information methods provided to determine the recipient of the alert messages: Click in the field and select the method of your choice with another mouseclick.

The system offers you a selection from the following information methods:

This method is based on the forwarding of an e-mail to a certain address of a service provider (D1, D2, Quam, E-Plus...etc.).

Some examples:

D1 = <phone number>
D2 = <phone numberr>
E-Plus = <phone number>
02 (VIAG Interkom) = <phone number>
Quam = <phone number>

The mobile phone must be configured for the SMS receipt via e-mail.

Some examples of various service providers:

D1- (T-Mobile)
Send an SMS message containing the text "OPEN" to the D1 number 8000. By sending "CLOSE" to the same number, you can deactivate the option again.

D2- (Vodafone)
Send an SMS message containing the text "OPEN" to the D2 number 3400. By sending "CLOSE" to the same number, you can deactivate the option again.

Send an SMS message containing the text "start" to the E-Plus number 7676245. By sending "stop" to the same number, you can deactivate the option again.

02 (VIAG Interkom)
Send an SMS message containing the text "start" or "+" to theVIAG Interkom number 6245. By sending "stop" or "-" to the same number, you can deactivate the option again..

With mobile phone contracts which have been made via a reseller, a different activation procedure might be required. In these cases ask your service provider.

Click on the image to receive further help on how to set up an Alert manager.


Field with defined selection options

In this field, you can determine the period within which alert messages configured for this subscriber are to be saved in the system.

Select one of the periods provided: Click in the field and select the periods of your choice with another mouseclick.

The system offers you a selection from the following periods:

Begin Time:

Entry range permitted: HHMMSS (Hour, Minute, Second)

Enter the start time from which on the system is to save alert messages configured for this subscriber.

If you do not enter a time, all alert messages configured for this subscriber will be saved in the system.

Time to:

Entry range permitted: HHMMSS (Hour, Minute, Second)

Enter the end time up to which the system is to save alert messages configured for this subscriber.

If you do not enter a time, all alert messages configured for this subscriber will be saved in the system.

From Process Unit

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

In the fields "From Process Unit" and "To Process Unit", you can determine the range of processing units of this installation from which alert messages are to be sent to this subscriber.

Select one of the processing units provided: Click in the field and select the processing unit of your choice with another mouseclick.

If you do not enter a processing unit in these fields, alert messages will be sent from all processing units of this installation.

Additional process units that do not belong to this selection range can be assigned via the button "Process Units".

To Process Unit

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

In the fields "From Process Unit" and "To Process Unit", you can determine the area of process units of this installation from which alert messages are to be sent to this subscriber.

Select one of the processing units provided: Click in the field and select the process unit of your choice with another mouseclick.

If you do not enter a processing unit in these fields, alert messages will be sent from all processing units of this installation.

Additional process units that do not belong to this selection range can be assigned via the button "Process Units".

Process Unit

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number of the processing unit of the POS to determine for which POS terminal the alert messages of a subscriber are to be valid.

The entry of a processing unit no. is only necessary if you have selected the Information Method "POS".

Alert messages of this subscriber will be displayed at the POS terminal if the operator has logged in and there is no receipt or GC operation taking place.


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number of the company for which the alert messages of a subscriber are to be valid.

The entry of company, branch and operator no. is only necessary if you have selected the Information Method "Admin Terminal".

Alert messages of this subscriber will be displayed at the administration terminal if the operator has logged in.


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number of the branch for which the alert messages of a subscriber are to be valid.

The entry of company, branch and operator no. is only necessary if you have selected the Information Method "Admin Terminal".

Alert messages of this subscriber will be displayed at the administration terminal if the operator has logged in.


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number of the operator for which the alert messages of a subscriber are to be valid.

The entry of company, branch and operator no. is only necessary if you have selected the Information Method "Admin Terminal".

Alert messages of this subscriber will be displayed at the administration terminal if the operator has logged in.

E-Mail Address

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 60 chars.

Enter the valid e-mail address of the subscriber if this subscriber is to receive alert messages via e-mail or SMS.

SMTP Server

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 60 chars.

Enter the name of the SMTP Server that is responsible for the forwarding of e-mail or SMS messages.


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number of the SMTP port. The default value is 25.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 60 chars.

Enter the valid e-mail address of the sender if this subscriber is to receive alert messages via e-mail or SMS.


Switch activated: This subscriber is activated and can receive alert messages.
Switch deactivated: This subscriber is deactivated and cannot receive alert messages.

Primary Subscriber

Switch activated: currently without function.
Switch deactivated: currently without function.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin