Return delivery

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The data for goods returned to suppliers can be updated, i.e. programmed, changed or cleared, with this program. Data which has already been stored can also be displayed for information.

Returned deliveries are made up of two parts: the formal data and the true items of a returns recording.

The formal data is programmed firstly with program returns delivery, i.e. enter a returns no., a branch no., the supplier no., define the date, time, etc. This is similar to a form without any entries, i.e. the articles.

The second step is then to make the necessary entries which consist of items to be linked to the returns delivery. This link is done in program Delivery ret.pos..


Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of this basic data.

As with nearly all other programs the following also applies here:


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the company for whom a goods return is to be processed. If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with Search.


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the branch for which a goods return is to be processed. If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with Search.

Return note no.

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 99999999

When programming a new return this field should be confirmed with the <Enter> key. The system then automatically assigns the lowest free no. during the storage operation.

Changes or clear operations are done by calling up the data record with a number already stored in the system.

If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with Search.

Supplier no.

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 99999999

Enter the number of the supplier for whom a returns operation is to be completed. If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with  Search.

Type of return

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Enter the number for the returns type for link to the returns operation. If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with Search.

The texts for the various returns type, e.g. sell-by-date expired, goods damaged, etc., can be updated with program Text group.

The text group for returns types should be linked to type Text f.returns.


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 99999999

This field is blocked for entry of the operator no.. The system always sets the number of the signed on operator in this field.

The operator must be programmed with Operator and must be authorised for use of this program before a returns operation can be carried out.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 40 pos.

A text describing the return can be entered here as required.


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 999

Enter the number of the sub-supplier with the address to which the goods returns are to be sent to The sb-supplier link is updated in program Sub-supplier. The link of sub-suppliers to a supplier is only possible if the option Main supplier has been set in program Supplier.

If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with Search.

With an Order the link of a sub-supplier to a main supplier can be defined for return of goods. This solution is most feasible when an item from a supraregional main supplier is to be returned to a local sub-supplier.

Stock no.

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Enter the no. of the stores from which the returns is to be made. If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with Search.

Payment type

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 999

Enter the number of the payment type. If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with the Search.


Entry range permitted: DDMMYYYY (day, month, year)

The day's date is the default in this program. The date can, however, be altered if necessary.


Entry range permitted: HHMMSS (hour, minute, second)

The default in this field is the present time. This can, however, be altered as required.

Freight cost

Entry range permitted: decimal max. 11 pos.with max. 3 decimal places

The delivery costs as per the entry in the update program are displayed. The value can be changed if necessary for each returns consignment.


Discount percent/value

Entry range permitted: decimal max. 5 pos.with max. 2 decimal places

The percentage rate as per the entry in the update program Supplier is displayed here. The value can be altered for each return consignment.

Pick-up cost

Entry range permitted: decimal max. 11 pos.with max. 3 decimal places

The pick-up costs as per the entry in update program Supplier are displayed. The value can be changed if necessary for each returns consignment.

Discount home currency

Entry range permitted: decimal max. 7 pos.with max. 2 decimal places

The discount in the local currency as per the entry in the update program Supplier is displayed.

Discount foreign currency

Entry range permitted: decimal max. 7 pos.with max. 2 decimal places

The discount value in foreign currency as per the entry in update program Supplier is displayed.


Entry range permitted: decimal, max. 11 pos. with max. 3 decimal places

The total value of the returns consignment is displayed.

Value-added tax

Entry range permitted: decimal max. 12 pos.with max. 2 decimal places

The value of the value-added tax included for this consignment is displayed here.

Currency rate

Entry range permitted: decimal max. 12 pos.with max. 2 decimal places

The currency rate of the payment type of this returns consignment is displayed.

Offline transaction

Button activated: Offline transactions for the PDA has been created for this goods received items.
Button deactivated:. No offline transactions for the PDA has been created for this goods received items.

Goods receives should be generally created at the backoffice before they will send to the PDA as offline transaction.

 Click on the graphic for further help with executing an Offline Backoffice PDA.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin