Predefinitions (Internal Commands for DTM Orders)

In this field, you can select the internal commands for the type of dial-up order. This internal name will be entered automatically in the field Order (internal).

Please note the additional information on creating a database or update installation and the related DTM orders. The reaction of the functions mentioned can vary depending on the environment variable OSCAR_OPTIONS in file "..bin\oscar.ini".

Select by clicking on the button and selecting the appropriate command from the opened window.

The DTM orders listed below can be used, but they depend on the environment variable "OSCAR_OPTIONS=":


DTM Order





GETSTATISTIC = Pick-up of statistics data from the branch processor of the selected branch.

During pick-up of transactions SupplOrder is not possible.

Refund receipts are marked in head office as cashed in, if applicable.




UPDATEINSTALLATION = Update of basic data of the branch processor in the stated branch. An update of basic data in the branch can be done with order type "UPDATEINSTREMOTE" (see UPDATEINSTREMOTE and application "Remote Update").



GETSTATISTICDATE = Pick-up of statistics data  from the branch processor of the selected branch for a specified period (from date / to date)



PUTFILE = Sending of a file from central processor to the branch processor of the selected branch. (File name and source directory must be entered in the fields provided and they must exist on the hard disk of the system unit concerned).



GETFILE = Pick-up of a file from the branch processor of the stated branch to central processor. (File name and source directory must be entered in the fields provided and they must exist on the hard disk of the system unit concerned).



GETUPDATESTATUS = (File name and source directory must be entered in the fields provided and they must exist on the hard disk of the system unit concerned).



GETUPDATES = Pick-up of basic data changes from the main installation (head office). In this case, a DTM client must be active on the branch processor and a DTM order with command "GETUPDATES" must be programmed.



GETDTMSTATE = If the new method for "Update Installation" and "Get statistik" is applied the following status data can be transferred from the branch to head office with this DTM order: Process units status, Branch status, Branch status / Date, Statistics sent, Statistics received and Terminal Grand Total. These data records are marked with status Sent after successful recording in head office.
Further help on this subject can be found in the documentation Data integrity MICROS Retail OSCAR POS.



UPDATEINSTREMOTE = Update the basic data in the branch with an application of type "RemoteUpdate". A processing unit of type Client must be programmed in the branch as this will start the application "Remote Update".
Order type UPDATEINSTREMOTE in head office initiates an operation in the branch in which the log files are read remotely by head office (in blocks of 20 kb) and the database operations for update of basic data are carried out in the branch

If the environment variable UPDATERDEBUG=Y is set in file "oscar.ini", the following messages are written into file "errlog":

When the application starts "Remote Update".
All 100 data records.
When the application is ended.

The normal messages are also written into the DTM Logbook.



UPDATEPRICES = Update of prices of a specified price list in the branch concerned.



GETCREDITCARD = Pick-up of all new credit card transactions (CreditCHead) in the branch by head office.

The functioning of this DTM order is the same as the function "Get credit cards" in program Installation.



PUSHSTOCKMOVEBROUT = Sending goods movements to other branches. All stock items with the status "Ready for transfer" will be moved out.

Movement data is displayed in program Stock -> Move -> Move branch




GETLOCALUPDATES = The modified basic data is transferred from a sub-installation (branch) to the main installation (head office) with this DTM order. As opposed to the Update Installation in which the modified data is transferred from the main installation (head office) to the sub-installation (branch) the modified basic data of a sub-installation (branch) are picked up with this function.

The functioning of this DTM order is the same as the function "Get local updates" in program Installation.




UPDATECUSTSTATE = The status data for customers and the customer status per branch is transferred from each branch to head office with this DTM order.

The customer status data whose status is newer than the one sent last will be sent to the branches.






SENDUI =  A frame changed by head office can be sent with this order to the branch(es). During processing the system checks which number exists in the branch for this frame and then uses this frame no. or a new one. Therefore, "normal" basic data transfer per UPDATEINSTALLATION cannot be used.


During an installation the numbers of the frames in head office will differ from those in the branches (different dofgl’s carried out at different times, other frames added, etc.).

If, for example, individual data records of an "Article" frame meet up after a change with frame no. 4567 in the branch with frame no. 4567 – which, however, belongs to the objectt "Supplier“ the data integrity is no longer guaranteed.


UIFrame changes in head office should always be carried out in single user mode only (or the database tables in program System -> Configuration -> Inst. Update Param. should be excluded from  UPDATEINSTALLATION).


Enter only the physical UI database tables UI database tables (all UI tables where the option "Own file" is set) with the program System -> Configuration -> Inst. Update Para.




PUSHTIME = This DTM order checks whether the date and the time in a branch differ from the date and the time in head office and, if applicable, the date and time in the branch will be reset.















GETSIEXPORT=  With this DTM-Order the status data from finance exports per branch can be transferred from each branch to the central



GETTRANSXML = Pick-up of all XML transaction files from the branches.

At GHM the transactions are moved out in the branches in XML format. These files are processed by the GHM background system.



GETSTATXML = Pick-up of XML statistics data from the branches.

At GHM the statistics data, terminal, cashier and stock data in the branches is moved out in XML format. These files are processed in the GHM background system.




GETONLYTRANS = Pick-up of all transaction data which has not been moved out as XML from the branches







GETTRANSACTIONS = Pick-up of all recorded transactions of the current recording day for the transaction table entered under the file name.

Transactions picked up in this way are then available in head office on the same day, i.e. before the evening GETSTATISTIK and no permanent  GETSTATISTIK is necessary.


If no table has been entered a GETTRANSACTIONS picks up all recorded transactions for the current day (backoffice and e journal). This is used by Backwelt to allow them to pick up recorded orders during the day and prior to the normal nightly DTM so that they can be handed over to SAP.






GETORDER = Pick-up of supplier orders (SupplOrder) which have been recorded but not yet sent from the branches.



GETORDERGS = Pick-up of vouchers for the current day from the branches. The transaction no. is updated in head office.




GETTREND = Pick-up of the following data from the branches if the last storage took place after the last execution of this order:

  • Item turnover per profit center (ArtTurnProC)
  • Item period per branch (ArtTimTBrch)
  • Item turnover per operator (ArtTurnOper)
  • Stock article status (StockItemSt)




CREATEDELIVERY = The data records of the import table "IDelivery" with a ConfimDate equal to the day’s date become deliveries(Delivery) and delivery positions (IDelivPos -> DelivPos) in the branch. 




MAKECORRDELIVERY = CDeliveries are correction recordings for Deliveries. They are generated from import table ICDelivery and are recorded immediately in the branch.



Additional information on generation of a database or Update Installation

During an update of basic data the data in the branch database can influence the linkage of specific tables (PriceListBranch, SupplArtBrch, PromotBranch).


Item prices:
A price list is linked to one or more branches in program Branch -> Price list/branch link (PriceListBranch).

This linkage can define that only the linked article prices of this price list are to be transferred to the branch database when a database is created for a specified sub-installation.

Please note that if a price list is linked to at least one branch only item prices of this list can be generated for the specified branch. Item prices are only stored in a specific branch if an entry exists in program Branch -> Price list/branch link for the branch concerned or no entry has been made in this table for a specific price list.

Linkage of branch price lists is also taken into account with function Update Installation, Create database and Create basic data (see program Installation button Create database, Create basic data und Update Installation).


Supplier articles:
Linkage of a supplier article to one or more branches is programmed in Supplier article -> Branch (SupplArtBrch) after assignment of the branch no. or the branch group nos.

This link defines that when a database is created for a specific branch (sub-installation) only the linked supplier article is transferred to the database. Supplier articles which already exist but which are not linked to this branch are deleted..

Linkage of supplier articles to defined branches is also supported in functions Update Installation, Create database und Create basic data (see program Installation buttons Create database, Create basic data and Update Installation).



Promotions are linked to a branch in program Promotions-> Branch (PromotBranch) if specific promotions are only to apply to certain branches. The selected promotion can be linked to all branches with button "All branches".

This link defines that when a database is created for a specific branch (sub-installation) only the linked promotion is transferred to the database. Promotions which already exist but which are not linked to this branch are deleted.

Linkage of promotions to defined branches is also supported in functions Update Installation, Create database und Create basic data (see program Installation buttons Create database, Create basic data and Update Installation).


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin