Application pages consist of modular components known as cartridges, which business users create and configure to contain the content that they want to display.

For example, product spotlights, global navigation menus, faceted navigation menus, search results, slide shows, and image maps can all be implemented as cartridges. Each cartridge might have several fields to configure, or might be a container cartridge that contains additional nested cartridges within it.

Depending on the cartridge selected, business users might be asked to specify a path to an image or flash file, the default sort order for a results list, or the sequence of product records for spotlighting. The simplest cartridges might need no configuration at all. Business users can also move cartridges around on pages -- within the constraints laid out by their application development teams.

A key aspect of cartridges is that they include a visual rendition for multiple channels like mobile devices or browsers. When a business user plugs a cartridge into a page, the cartridge renders itself. The cartridge is ready to render, though it might need further configuration.

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