A record search query is the Guided Search equivalent of full-text search.

Record searches return the following:

Record search queries are performed against a particular property or dimension, also known as the search key. In order to perform a record search, the application’s user:

The set of records that a record search returns is made up of all records whose value for the search key contains the specified term(s). By default, if the record search query specifies multiple terms, a value must contain all of the terms in order for its record to be returned (the query is treated as an AND query).

Record search queries apply to a defined record set only (for example, the current record set). So a record search query is made up of two parts:

In essence, a record search query is a navigation query that is modified by a search key and terms. This is why the two queries, navigation and search, have identical data structures for their results: a set of records and follow-on query information.

Only properties or dimensions that have been configured for record search in Developer Studio can be used as search keys.

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