You can choose to generate dimensions in your Endeca records automatically, basing the dimensions on properties in your source database records.

The following two-dimensional table gives an example of what your source data might look like:

In this source data table, the following relationships exist:

With automatic dimension generation, source properties become dimensions and source property values become dimension values. If we mapped the Wine Type and Country source properties to dimensions, and then automatically generated those dimensions, the logical representation of the generated dimensions would look like this:

The Wine Type and Country source properties become the Wine Type and Country dimensions. Each source property value becomes a dimension value within its respective dimension: Red, White, and Sparkling for the Wine Type dimension and USA, France, and Chile for the Country dimension. The individual records are organized beneath their respective dimension values accordingly.

With automatically-generated dimensions, it is important to remember that changes to your source data’s properties and property values directly influence those dimensions and their dimension values.

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