Oracle Commerce Guided Search enables people to explore data interactively in real time, through an interface that is easy to understand and use regardless of the scale and complexity of the underlying data – which in many cases is stored in numerous large data sources.

People need to search, navigate, and analyze all of their data, sometimes in fine detail, and at other times in broad aggregate views. They need an application that responds intelligently to their current navigation state, guiding them along valid paths and eliminating invalid paths that do not lead to data. They need a simple, intuitive way to navigate through data even as they perform the equivalent of extremely complex, multi-dimensional database intersection queries.

Oracle Commerce Guided Search, based on the MDEX Engine, is a powerful technology designed to help you build Guided Navigation applications that fulfill all of these requirements. Guided Navigation not only tells users the results of their query, it also tells them all the valid "next-step questions" that they can ask to refine and explore further, while eliminating the frustrating reply of "No Results Found". These next-steps are re-ranked and re-organized with each click, creating a much more productive and satisfying navigation experience.

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