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SPARC T8 Series Servers Administration Guide

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Updated: September 2017

Disable Local Monitor and Enable VNC Console

This procedure shows how to re-enable the default Oracle ILOM Remote System VNC Console. It assumes you have performed the steps in Enable a Local Graphics Monitor and now want to reverse them.

  1. Log in to Oracle ILOM.

    See Log In to Oracle ILOM.

  2. Go to the OpenBoot CLI.

    See Access the OpenBoot CLI.

  3. Start the host console.

    See Start the Host Console.

  4. If necessary, boot the OS.

    See Boot the OS (Oracle ILOM).

  5. Log in to Oracle Solaris and switch to the root role or other administrator role by using the su command.
    $ su - role
  6. Use the following command to disable the Xorg server and enable the Xvnc server.
    # svccfg -s svc:/application/x11/x11-server  setprop \
     options/vncplatform_override = boolean: false
  7. (Optional) List the value of the property.
    # svcprop -p options/vncplatform_override svc:/application/x11/x11-server
  8. Restart the display manager service.
    # svcadm restart gdm

    You should now be able to use the Oracle ILOM Remote System VNC Console.

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