Managing Job Openings

This topic provides an overview of the Manage Job opening pages and discusses how to perform job opening-related and applicant-related activities for the job opening.

This Talent Acquisition Manager overview video includes a demonstration of the Manage Job Opening page:

Talent Acquisition Manager Overview

Page Name

Definition Name


Manage Job Opening Page


Manage all aspects of a job opening, including managing applicants, searching for applicants, reviewing activity, creating notes, attachments, and expenses, and viewing or updating the job opening details.

Manage Job Opening Page: Applicants Tab


Review applicants and perform applicant-specific recruiting activities.

Manage Job Opening Page: Applicant Search Tab


Search for qualified applicants. Also, review saved automatch searches and saved compliance searches for the job opening.

This tab embeds the Search Applicants Page into the job opening, and is only visible to users who have security access to the Search Applicants page.

Manage Job Opening Page: Applicant Screening Tab


Review screening levels, run screening processes, and review screening results.

This tab is visible only if the user has security access to the page. Also, it is visible only if the job opening has at least one standard screening level (a screening level that is not for prescreening or online screening).

Manage Job Opening Page: Activity & Attachments Tab


Use this tab to review the job’s status history and to manage job-related notes, attachments, and expenses. This tab also displays the same saved searches that appear on the Applicant Search tab.

Job Opening Notes Page


Enter details for a job opening note.

Add Expenses Page


Enter details for a job opening expense.

Manage Job Opening Page: Details Tab


Manage job opening data, including general job information, job qualifications, screening settings, postings, and hiring team members.

This tab corresponds to the Job Opening Page where you originally created the job opening. The job opening template controls the content and layout of this tab’s subsections.

The Manage Job Opening page provides a single point from which you can complete many recruiting tasks for a job opening and its applicants. The page includes:

  • Five tabs where manage applicant and job opening information.

  • A toolbar that provides access to additional features for organizing and reviewing job opening data.

  • An additional link that provides access to related content charts.

    See Viewing Related Content Charts for Job Openings.

Image: Structure of the Manage Job Opening page

This diagram illustrates structure of the Manage Job Opening page. Note that the Applicants tab and the Activity & Attachments tab do not have subsections.

Structure of the Manage Job Opening page

Use the Manage Job Opening Page (HRS_JO_360) to manage all aspects of a job opening, including managing applicants, finding applicants, reviewing activity, tracking notes and attachments, tracking expenses, and viewing or updating the job opening details.

Note: You can also access this page by clicking a job opening on the Recruiting Home page, the Browse Job Openings page, the Manage Applicant page, the Manage Application page, Search Applications page, and many other pages that include job opening information.

Image: Manage Job Opening page

This example illustrates the Manage Job Opening page.

Manage Job Opening page


Field or Control



This button is visible only when you are on the Activity & Attachments tab or the Details tab. Click to save any changes you make to the data on these tabs.


If you accessed the job opening by clicking a link on another recruiting page, click the Return toolbar button to return to the previous page.

If you accessed this page using the global search and you want to return to your search results, use the Last Search Results link (next to the global search field) instead of the Return toolbar button.

Recruiting Home

Click to access the Recruiting Home Page.

Search Job Openings

Click to access the Search Job Openings Page.

Previous and Next

These buttons appear if you accessed the Manage Job Opening page from a grid that listed multiple job openings. Use the buttons to navigate between openings.

Create New

Click to access the Primary Job Opening Information Page, where you begin the process of creating a job opening.


Click to access the Clone Job Opening Page, where you can create new job openings based on the current job opening.


This button is visible only when you are on the Applicants tab. Click to refresh the data on the page.

Add Note

Click to create a new job opening note on the Job Opening Notes Page.


Click to access the Interview Summary Page, which provides a read-only summary of all interviews that have been scheduled for the job opening.


Displays the icon for the personal category that you have assigned to the job (or the No Category icon if appropriate). Categories are a personal organizational tool, and your categorization is not visible to other users.

Click the icon to access the My Job Categories Page, where you can change the category.

Print Job Opening

Click to access the Select Job Opening Sections Page, where you generate the Job Opening report after selecting which data to include in the report.


Click to change the content and layout of the toolbar.

Header Data

Note: If a header field does not have a value for a particular job opening, the field is hidden in the header. System-wide configuration options such as the template segmenting type and the position management option can cause related header fields to be hidden for all job openings.

Field or Control


Job Opening ID

Displays the job opening’s unique identifier.


Displays the job opening’s current status.

Job Posting Title

Displays the job opening’s descriptive title.

Business Unit

Displays the job opening’s business unit. All job openings are associated with business units.

Job Code

Displays the primary job code for the opening. If a job opening does not have a job code (which is not required for continuous job openings), this field is hidden.


Displays the job opening’s department. If the job opening is not associated with a Department, this header field is hidden.

Position Number

Displays the primary position for the opening. If you do not use position management, or if you use partial position management and the job opening does not specify a position, then this header field is hidden.

Job Family, Job Profile ID, Company, or Salary Grade

If one of these fields is used as the template segmenting type, the field appears in the header. Because there can be only one template segmenting type, the header never displays more than one of these fields.

When the template segmenting type is Salary Grade, the Salary Grade field displays both the salary plan and the salary grade.

Hot Job Hot Job

The Hot Job field and icon appear when the job is a hot job.

See Managing Hot Jobs.


Field or Control



Use the Manage Job Opening Page: Applicants Tab to review applicants and perform applicant-specific recruiting activities.

Applicant Search

Use the Manage Job Opening Page: Applicant Search Tab to search for applicants to link to the job opening.

Applicant Screening

Use the Manage Job Opening Page: Applicant Screening Tab to run screening processes.

See Running Screening Levels and Applying Results.

Activity & Attachments

Use the Manage Job Opening Page: Activity & Attachments Tab to review the job’s status history along with job-related notes, attachments, expenses, and saved applicant searches.


Use the Manage Job Opening Page: Details Tab to manage job opening data, including general job information, job qualifications, screening settings, postings, and hiring team members.

Use the Manage Job Opening page: Applicants tab (HRS_JO_360) to review applicants for a job opening and perform various applicant-related activities.

Image: Manage Job Opening page: Applicants tab

This example illustrates the Manage Job Opening page: Applicants tab.

Manage Job Opening page: Applicants tab

Flexible Processing and Applicant Actions

A job opening’s flexible recruiting process (if any) defines appropriate actions based on a user’s role and an applicant’s current disposition. If the flexible recruiting process disallows a particular action, the Manage Job Opening page does not display the icons or menu commands that would be used to perform the action. Hiding the irrelevant actions helps users to focus on the appropriate next steps in the recruiting process.

These actions can be made unavailable: Reject Applicant, Route Applicant, Manage Interviews, Created Interview Evaluation, Prepare Job Offer, Accept Offer, Reject Offer, Pre-Employment Check, Prepare for Hire, Withdraw from Hire, and Manage Applicant Contracts. (Although flexible processing can make the Manage Interviews action unavailable, it does not affect whether the Interviews toolbar button appears.)

Additionally, the Edit Disposition action is hidden if the flexible recruiting process does not provide the user with any valid disposition transitions.

When a flexible recruiting process makes actions unavailable:

  • The Applicants grid hides icons for unavailable actions, and the column where the icon appears is hidden entirely if an action is not valid for any applicants.

  • The Other Actions menu (for performing actions on individual applicants) hides any actions that are not available for the applicant.

  • The Group Actions menu does not hide actions, but the system performs the action for only those job openings where the action is permitted.

Disposition Phase Filter

Across the top of the Applicants tab, a horizontal bar provides a graphical representation of the phases of the recruiting process, with labels indicating both the phase name and the number of applicants currently in dispositions that belong to that phase. Dispositions are associated with phases on the Statuses and Reasons Page.

Field or Control


<Phase name> and <number of applicants in phase>

The bar includes a section for every phase that has at least one associated disposition, even if the current job opening does not have any applicants in that phase. All, which appears before the first phase, represents all phases.

Phase bar sections with at least one applicant are clickable. Clicking a section updates the Applicants grid so that it shows only applicants in the specified phase.

Normally, the page initially shows All phases. However, if you access the page by clicking the number in the No Action Taken column on the My Job Openings pagelet, the system automatically uses the Applied phase as the filter. (The term “No Action Taken” refers to applicant who are still in the first phase of the application process.)

Note: Be sure that all non-draft dispositions are associated with recruiting phases. The number shown for the All phase does not include applicants in dispositions that are not associated with phases. (However, those applicants are still shown in the Applicants grid when you click the All phases link.)


This grid displays applicants who are linked to the current job opening with a non-draft disposition.

Field or Control



Before performing a group action, use this check box to select the applicants to which the group action applies.

Applicant Name and Applicant ID

These fields display identifying information about the applicant. Click the Applicant Name link to display the Manage Applicant Page.


Possible applicant types are Employee, External, and Non-Employee. Non-employees are applicants such as contingent workers who have non-employee HR records.


Displays the applicant's current disposition for this job opening.

Employee Referral icon Employee Referral

The Employee Referral icon appears if the referral source on the application indicates that the applicant was referred by an employee (that is, the referral source is a recruitment source with type Employee).

If none of the applicants in the grid were referred by employees, this column is hidden entirely.

Manage Application icon Application

Click to access the Manage Application Page, where you can review and manage activity related to a single applicant for a single job opening.

Resume icon Resume

Click to open a new window that displays the applicant's resume.

  • If the resume is an attachment, the file opens in the new window.

  • If the resume was entered into the Resume Text field in the application, the new window displays the Applicant Resume Page.

  • If no resume exists for a particular applicant, then this column is blank.

If none of the applicants in the grid have resumes, the entire Resume column is hidden.

Interest indicator Interest

This column appears only if the Display Interest Indicator field on the Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page is set to Yes.

Click the first, second, or third star on the interest widget to indicate the level of interest in this applicant for the current job opening. The stars up to and including the one you click change to solid yellow to provide a visual indication of your interest level.

Click the x to clear the rating. All three stars turn gray.

The interest level for an applicant is specific to the job opening. It is not, however, user-specific, so your selection is global and can be seen and changed by other users.

Interest level is available as a search field on the Search Applications Page, where it also appears in the search results grid.

Mark Reviewed icon Mark Reviewed

Click to update the applicant’s disposition to 020 - Reviewed. Because this action always uses the disposition with status code 020, you should not modify this delivered disposition.

This action is not controlled by flexible processing and is therefore always available.

Route icon Route

Click to perform the Route Applicant action.

If the applicant has at least one existing routing for this job opening, this action displays the Manage Routings Page. If the applicant does not yet have any routings, this action displays the Route Applicant Page.

Manage Interview icon Interview

Click to perform the Manage Interviews action.

If the applicant has at least one existing interview for this job opening, , this action displays the Manage Interviews Page. If the applicant does not yet have any interviews, this action displays the Interview Schedule Page.

Reject icon Reject

Click to perform the Reject Applicant action, which displays the Reject Applicant Page.

Print Application Details iconPrint Application Details

Click to access the Application Report Options Page, where you can choose report parameters and then generate an application details report.

Other Actions

Click to display a menu of additional actions that you can perform for the applicant shown in the row. The actions appear under two sub-menus.

Under the Recruiting Actions sub-menu, you can choose these actions:

  • Create Interview Evaluation

  • Create Salary Package Model

    This action is available only to recruiting administrators, and only if PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Australia is installed.

  • Prepare Job Offer

  • Accept Offer

    This action is available only if there is an offer in the default open status.

  • Reject Offer

    This action is available only if there is an offer in the default open status.

  • Withdraw Application

    This action is available only if disposition 130 Withdrawn Application is configured as a successor of the current disposition.

  • Prepare for Hire

    This action is available only if the current disposition is 071 - Offer Accepted, 080 - Ready to Hire, or 090 - Hired 120 - Withdrawn.

  • Withdraw from Hire

    This action is available only if the current disposition is 080 - Ready to Hire.

  • Edit Application Details

  • Edit Disposition

    If a flexible recruiting process governs the job opening, this is available only if the process provides the user with valid transitions from the current disposition.

Under the Applicant Actions sub-menu, you can choose these actions:

  • Add Applicant Note

  • Add Applicant to List

  • Change Applicant Status

  • Copy Salary Package

    This action is available only to recruiting administrators, and only if PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Australia is installed and the applicant’s disposition is Hired.

  • Forward Applicant

  • Link Applicant to Job

  • Manage Applicant Checklists

  • Manage Applicant Contracts

  • Pre-Employment Check

  • Send Correspondence

See Understanding Actions for Managing Applicants.

Additional Columns in the Applicants Grid

The Applicants grid includes additional columns that are delivered hidden.

Modify the grid definition in Application Designer to add these columns:

  • Last Updated

  • Date Submitted

To add the Former Employee column to the grid, follow these steps:

  1. In Application Designer, open Application Package HRS_JOB_OPENING_MANAGER.

  2. Navigate to HRS_JOB_OPENING_MANAGER:CMP_HRS_JO_360:BUS and open Application Package PeopleCode Class JO360Controller.

  3. Search for method drawManageAppPage()

  4. Within this method, find the following code, uncomment the commented out code, and comment out the last line.

    /* 02/01/2012: Employee Referral to be shown and Former Employee can remain hidden
          * If Former Employee show Icon, otherwise hide the icon 
          If (&row_manageApp.HRS_JO_APP_A_VW.PREV_EMPL_BY_COMPY.Value = "Y") Then
             &row_manageApp.HRS_JO_APP_A_VW.PREV_EMPL_BY_COMPY.Visible = True;
             &former_empl_exist = True;
             &row_manageApp.HRS_JO_APP_A_VW.PREV_EMPL_BY_COMPY.Visible = False;
          &row_manageApp.HRS_JO_APP_A_VW.PREV_EMPL_BY_COMPY.Visible = False;

The Former Employee column displays an icon if the application indicates that the applicant is a former employee. This information is not validated against PeopleSoft HCM records.

Group Action

Note: The number of rows that can be included in a group action can be limited using the Group Action Limit field on the Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page. If a user attempts to perform a group action when too many rows are selected, the system displays a message informing the user of the limit.

Field or Control


Select All and Deselect All

Use these links to select or deselect grid rows so that you can perform group actions on the selected rows.

Group Action

Click to display a menu of group actions that you can perform for the selected applicants. The actions appear under two sub-menus.

Under the Recruiting Actions sub-menu, you can choose these actions:

  • Mark Reviewed

  • Manage Interviews

  • Create Interview Evaluations

  • Reject Applicant

  • Route Applicant

  • Withdraw Application

  • Edit Application Details

  • Print Applications

Under the Applicant Actions sub-menu, you can choose these actions:

  • Add Applicant to List

  • Change Applicant Status

  • Forward Applicant

  • Link Applicant to Job

  • Merge Applicant (multiple applicants must be selected)

  • Send Correspondence

See Understanding Actions for Managing Applicants.

Note: The number of rows that can be included in a group action can be limited using the Group Action Limit field on the Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page. If a user attempts to perform a group action when too many rows are selected, the system displays a message informing the user of the limit and stating that only the allowed number of rows will be processed. If the user continues, the system processes the allowed number of rows, starting at the beginning of the list and following the grid sort order. Even if the user cancels, the system deselects all rows after the specified limit, and the user can review which rows will be processed before re-initiating the action with an allowable number of selected rows.

Use the Manage Job Opening page: Applicant Search tab (HRS_REC_SCHAPP) to search for applicants for the job opening.

Note: The Applicant Search tab on the Manage Job Opening page is actually the Search Applicants Page rendered in the context of the Manage Job Opening page. This tab is visible only to users who have security access to the Search Applicants page.

Image: Manage Job Opening page: Applicant Search tab

This example illustrates the Manage Job Opening page: Search Job Openings tab. In this example, the Saved Compliance & Automatch Searches section is displayed. The other sections (Quick Search, Keyword Search, Advanced Search, and Profile Match) are identical to their counterparts on the Search Applicants page.

Manage Job Opening page: Applicant Search tab

Search Sections

Field or Control


Quick Search, Keyword Search, Advanced Search, and Profile Match

These sections are identical to the search options on the Search Applicants Page.

The search results in these sections provide access to the same actions (and group actions) that are available when you search applicants outside the context of a job opening.

Note that if you perform the Link Applicant to Job action from the context of a job opening, the current job opening ID is the default job opening for the link action.

Saved Compliance and Automatch Searches

The Saved Searches & Automatches section renders the Saved Searches Page within the context of the job opening. In this context, the grid shows only the saved searches that are associated with the current job opening (and therefore doesn’t include the column that normally identifies the associated job opening).

Searches are associated with a job opening only if the job opening ID is part of the search criteria. It is not relevant whether the search is saved from the stand-alone Search Applicants page or from the context of the job opening.

The same grid also appears on the Manage Job Opening Page: Activity & Attachments Tab

Use the Manage Job Opening page: Applicant Screening tab (HRS_JO_SCR_LVL) to run screening processes.

Note: This tab is visible only if the user has security access to screening pages and if the job opening has at least one standard screening level (a screening level that is not for prescreening or online screening).

Image: Manage Job Opening page: Applicant Screening tab

This example illustrates the Manage Job Opening page: Applicant Screening tab.

Manage Job Opening page: Applicant Screening Tab

Note: For detailed information about screening applicants, see Running Screening Levels and Applying Results

Field or Control


Screening Level

This section displays summary information about the job opening’s screening levels. If the job opening has multiple job codes, you can scroll to see the screening levels for each job code.

For detailed information, see Manage Job Opening Page: Applicant Screening Tab: Screening Level Section

Screening Results

This section is available only if screening results exist, either because applicants have undergone prescreening or online screening, or because a recruiting user has run a standard screening level.

The Screening Results section lists all screening levels that have results and provides summary statistics about the applicants who were processed. You can select any screening level to see a complete list of applicants who were processed, along with results for each applicant.

For detailed information, see Manage Job Opening Page: Applicant Screening Tab: Screening Results Section

Use the Manage Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab page (HRS_JO_360) to review job status history, notes, attachments, expenses, and saved results from applicant searches.

Image: Manage Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab

This example illustrates the Manage Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab.

Manage Job Opening page: Activity and Attachments tab

Job History

This grid provides a status history of the job opening.

Field or Control



Displays the date the status was assigned.


Displays the status description.


Displays the status reason, if one was supplied when the status was assigned.

Action Taken By

Displays the name of the person whose action updated the status.

Saved Compliance & Automatch Searches

This grid renders the Saved Searches Page within the context of the job opening. In this context, the grid shows only the saved searches that are associated with the current job opening (and therefore doesn’t include the column that normally identifies the associated job opening).

Searches are associated with a job opening only if the job opening ID is part of the search criteria. It is not relevant whether the search is saved from the stand-alone Search Applicants page or from the context of the job opening.

The same grid also appears on the Manage Job Opening Page: Applicant Search Tab.


This grid displays a list of notes related to the job opening.

Note: The audience for the note determines which users can access note details. The audience is set on the Job Opening Notes detail page and is not visible in this grid.

Field or Control



Displays the subject of the note.

Note Date

Displays the date that the note was created.


Displays the name of the person who created the note. If the note is private, only the author can access the note details.

Edit iconEdit

Click to access the note details on the Job Opening Notes Page. The note audience determines which users can access or edit note details:

  • If the note audience is Public, all users can access and edit the note details, but only the author or administrator can change the audience.

  • If the note audience is Interview, all users can access the details, but only the note author or an administrator can edit the details.

  • If the note audience is Private, only the note author and administrators can access the note details, and this icon is hidden for all other users.

Delete icon Delete

Regardless of the note audience, the only users who can delete a note are the author or an administrator.

Add Note

Click to display the Job Opening Notes page and enter a new note.


This grid displays a list of attachments related to the job opening.

Field or Control


File Name

Displays the file name of the attachment:

  • If the attachment audience is Public or Interview, , any user can click the file name to open the attachment.

  • If the attachment audience is Private, the link is active only for the person who uploaded the attachment and for administrators.


Enter a description for the attachment:

  • If the attachment audience is Public, any user can enter or modify a description for the attachment.

  • If the attachment audience is Interview or Private, then only the person who uploaded the attachment and administrators can enter or modify the description.


The audience controls access to the attachment:

  • If the audience is Public, then anyone with access to the job opening can view the attached file or modify the description.

  • If the audience is Interview, then anyone with access to the job opening can view the attached file, but only the person who uploaded the attachment and administrators can modify the description.

  • If the audience is Private these privileges are limited to the person who uploaded the attachment and to administrators.

Regardless of the audience, the person who uploaded the attachment and administrators are the only users who can delete attachments and modify the attachment audience.

Interview attachments don't automatically appear on the Interview Schedule page, but the Interview Schedule page provides links that enable you to copy Interview attachments from the job opening to the interview.


Displays the date and time that the attachment information was last updated.

Uploaded By

Displays the name of the user who uploaded the attachment.

Add Attachment

Click to display the File Attachment dialog box and upload a new attachment.


This grid displays a list of expenses associated with the job opening.

Field or Control



Displays the value from the Expense Code field on the Add Expenses page.

Amount, Currency, and Date

These fields show the amount and date of the expense.

Display Name

If the expense is associated with an applicant, this field displays the applicant’s name.

Expense Details

Click to display the Add Expenses page and view the detailed information of the expense.

Add Expense

Click to display the Add Expenses page, where you can add a new job opening related expense.

Use the Job Opening Notes page (HRS_JO_NOTE_SEC) to add or edit a job opening note.

Image: Job Opening Notes page

This example illustrates the Job Opening Notes page.

Job Opening Notes page

Field or Control


Note Date

Enter a date for the note.


Select the audience for this note. Valid options are:

  • Public: Public notes can be viewed and edited by anyone who has access to the job opening.

  • Interview: Interview notes can be viewed by anyone who has access to the job opening, but only the note author or an administrator can modify the note. Interview notes don't automatically appear in on the Interview Schedule page, but the Interview Schedule page provides links that enable you to copy Interview notes from the job opening to the interview.

  • Private: The subject of a private note can be viewed by anyone who has access to the job opening, but only the note author or an administrator can view or modify the note details.

Note: Only the note author or an administrator can modify the audience for an existing note.


Enter the note subject. The subject is visible to everyone with access to the job opening.


Enter the note details. Details for private notes are visible only to the creator of the note.

Use the Add Expenses page (HRS_JO_EXPENSE_SEC) to add an expense to a job opening.

Image: Add Expenses page

This example illustrates the Add Expenses page.

Add Expenses page

Field or Control


Expense Code

Select the expense code. The available values are the same as those for recording employee expenses on the Business Expenses Page. These values come from the translate table. To modify the list of expense codes, update the translate table values for the field EXPENSE_CD.

Expense Amount

Enter the amount of the expense.

Charge Date

Enter the date the expense was incurred.

Business Unit

Select the business unit. The default is the business unit that is associated with the job opening.


Select the department. The default is the department that is associated with the job opening.

Applicant Name

Enter the applicant name if the expense is associated with a specific applicant.


Enter a description of this expense.

Use the Manage Job Opening page: Details tab (HRS_JOB_OPENING) to review or edit job opening data, including job information, job qualifications, screening settings, postings, and hiring team members.

Note: The Details tab on the Manage Job Opening page is actually the Job Opening Page rendered in the context of the Manage Job Opening page.

Image: Manage Job Opening page: Details tab

This example illustrates the Manage Job Opening page: Details tab.

Manage Job Opening page: Details tab

This tab provides access to the same job opening data that was shown on the Job Opening Page when the opening was initially created. In both cases, the layout and content of the page come from the job opening template.