Implementing PeopleSoft Asset Management

PeopleSoft Setup Manager enables you to review a list of setup tasks for your organization for the products that you are implementing. The setup tasks include the components that you must set up, listed in the order in which you must enter data into the component tables, and links to the corresponding documentation.

PeopleSoft Financials also provides component interfaces to help you load data from your existing system into PeopleSoft tables. Use the Excel to Component Interface utility with the component interfaces to populate the tables.


Component Interface


Agencies (AGENCY_DEFN)

See Defining Asset Attributes.

Define AM Allocation Basis (ALLOC_BASIS_GRP)

See Understanding Depreciation Processing.

Area Definition (AM_AREA_TBL)

See Defining Asset Attributes.

Define Criticality Code (AM_CRIT_LEVEL)

See Criticality Codes Page.

Asset Indexes (AM_INDEX_TBL)

See Defining Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management.

AM Location Definition (AM_LOCATION)

See Defining Asset Attributes.

Asset Owners (AM_OWNER_COMP)

See Establishing Asset Ownership.

Asset Owner Operators (AM_OWNER_OPR_COMP)

See Establishing Asset Ownership.

Accounting Entry Template IDs (AMAE_TMPL_ID_PNL

See Defining Accounting Entries.

Asset Class (ASSET_CLASS)


See Asset Classes Page.

Asset Hazardous Code (ASSET_FSC_DFN)


See Hazardous Codes Page.

Bus Tax Rate for Asset/Location (ASSET_LOC_RATE)

See (FRA) Defining Business Tax by Location.

Asset Thresholds (ASSET_THRESHOLDS)

See (AUS) Defining VAT Thresholds.

Define Asset Management Books (BOOK_DEFN1)

See Business Unit/Book Definition Page.

BU Aggregate R&D Expenditure ( BU_AGG_RD)

See Defining Asset R&D Categorization.

Asset Management Business Unit (BU_DEFN)

See Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units.

Capital Acquisition Plan Type (CAP_TYPE)

See Defining Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Asset Category (CATEGORY_DEFN)


See Categories Page.

Depr Convention Builder (CONV_BLDR_PNLG)

See Setting Up Depreciation Conventions.

Copy All Depr Conventions (CONV_COPY_ALL_COMP)

See Setting Up Depreciation Conventions.

Copy Depreciation Conventions (CONV_COPY_PNLG)

See Setting Up Depreciation Conventions.


See Defining Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Capitalization Limits Codes (DEPR_CAP_LIMIT)

See Capitalization Limits Page.

Capitalization Thresholds (CAP_THR_DEFN)

See Capitalization Thresholds Page.

Combination Editing Options (AM_CEDT_SSRC)

See Enabling Combination Editing.

Depreciation Conventions (DEPR_CONVENTION)

See Setting Up Depreciation Conventions.

Depreciation Limits (DEPR_LIMIT_DEFN)

See Defining Depreciation Limits.

Depreciation Schedules (DEPR_SCHEDULE_DEFN)


See Setting Up Depreciation Schedules.

Depreciation Terms Definition (DEPR_TERMS_DEFN)


See Defining Depreciation Terms and Rates.

Accounting Entry Templates (DIST_TEMPLATE_DEFN)

See Defining Accounting Entries.

Fair Value Valuation Methods (AM_FV_METHOD_DEFN)

See Enabling Combination Editing.

Fair Value Groups (AM_FV_GROUP_DEFN)

See Enabling Combination Editing.

Fair Value Templates (AM_FV_TEMPLAT_DEFN)

See Enabling Combination Editing.

FERC Code Definition (FERC_CD_DEFN)

See Defining Additional Common Information.

Financing Codes (FINANCE_CD)

See Defining Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Insurance Types (INSURANCE_TYPE)

See Defining Asset Attributes.

Inter Unit Transfer Definition (IU_TRF_DEFN_TBL)


See Defining Accounting Entries.

Joint Venture BU Allocations (JV_BUS_ALLOC)

See Joint Venture Allocation Page.

Define Maintenance Types (MAINT_TYPE_DEFN)

See Maintenance Types Page.

Multi-Shift Definition ( MULTI_SHIFT_DEFN)

See (DEU) Setting Up Multi-shift Codes.

Owner Information (OWNER_INFO_DEFN)

See Establishing Asset Ownership.

Physical Inventory Scheduling (PI_SCHEDULE )

See Configuring Physical Inventory.

Physical Inventory Sys Setup (PI_SYSTEM_SETUP)

See Configuring Physical Inventory.

Define Asset Profiles (PROFILE)


See Setting Up Asset Profiles.

Lease Schedule (PYMNT_SCHED_TBL)

See Payment Schedules page.

Qualified Investments (QIV)

See (USA) Defining Qualified Investment Codes.

Return Information (RETURN_INFO_DEFN)

See Processing Local Tax Reports.

Define Report Drilldown (RPT_DRILL_FLD_G)

See Reporting Drilldown Fields Page.

Book Class Security (SEC_BUBOOK_CLS)

See Understanding PeopleSoft Application Security.

Book Operator Security (SEC_BUBOOK_OPR)

See Understanding PeopleSoft Application Security.

Asset Tax Classes (TAX_CLASS_DEFN)

See (CAN, IND, and USA) Defining and Maintaining Tax Classes.

Tax Credit Status (TAX_CR_STATUS)

See Defining Tax Credits.

Tax Credits (TAX_CREDITS)

See Defining Tax Credits.

Retirement Basis Reduction (TRAN_EXCLUDE_TBL)

See Setting Up Retirement Basis Reduction Codes.

Transaction Groups (TRANS_PNL_GRP)

See Defining Accounting Entries.

Define Transaction Codes (TRANSACTION_CODE)

See Transaction Codes Page.

User Defined Depreciation Rate (UD_DEPR_RATE)


See Defining Depreciation Terms and Rates.

User Defined Methods (UD_METHOD)

See Creating a User-Defined Depreciation Method.

User Defined Methods - Copy (UD_METHOD_COPY)

See Creating a User-Defined Depreciation Method.

User Defined Variables (UD_VARIABLE_DEFN)

See Creating or Selecting Variables.

Define Units of Production (UOP_DEFN)

See Units of Production Page.

Account (GL_ACCOUNT)


See Account Page.

Alternate Account (ALTACCT)


See Alternate Account Page.

Operating Unit (OPERATING_UNIT)


See Operating Unit Page.

Department (DEPARTMENT)


See Department Page.

Project ID (PROJECT)


See Project Page.

Product (PRODUCT)


See Product Page.



See ChartField 1 Page.

Chartfield 1 (CHARTFIELD1)


See ChartField 1 Page.

Chartfield 2 (CHARTFIELD2)


See ChartField 1 Page.

Chartfield 3 (CHARTFIELD3)


See ChartField 1 Page.

InterUnit Template (IU_INTER_TMPLT)


See InterUnit Template Page.

IntraUnit Template (IU_INTRA_TMPLT)


See Intraunit Template Page.

InterUnit Pair Maintenance (IU_INTER_PR_BASIC)


See Using Mass Maintenance for Interunit Pairs.

Market Rates (RT_RATE_PNL)

See Establishing Market Rates.

Market Rate Definition (MARKET_RATE_DEF)

See Defining Market Rates.

Currency Quotation Method (CURR_QUOTE_PNL)

See Defining Currency Quotations.

Ledgers for a Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT_LED)


See Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit.

Value Added Tax Code (TAX_CODE_VAT)


See Setting Up VAT Authorities, and Tax Codes.

VAT Accounts by Business Unit (TAX_BU_CODE_VAT)


See VAT Accounts by Business Unit Page.



See Setting Up VAT Entities.

Vat Defaults CI Component (VAT_DEF_CI)


See Establishing VAT Defaults.

Customer Group Table (CUST_GROUP_TBL)

See Customer Group Table Page.

Contact Info (CONTACT_INFO)

See Understanding Contact Information.

General Information (CUSTOMER_GENERAL)

See Understanding the Primary Customer Roles.

User Preferences (OPR_DEFAULT)


See Understanding User Preferences.

Other Sources of Information

In the implementation planning phase, take advantage of all PeopleSoft sources of information, including the installation guides, data models, business process maps, and troubleshooting guidelines.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Setup Manager, and PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces.