Using the PeopleSoft Classic Receivables WorkCenter - My Work

The My Work pagelet provides links that consolidate a user’s actionable tasks, using the user ID as the Assigned User ID to show only items in their own queue.

Note: This feature is no longer supported. However, a fluid version of the Receivables WorkCenter functionality is supported on the Credit to Cash Operations Home Page. See Using the PeopleSoft Fluid Receivables WorkCenter.

The My Work pagelet includes these functional groupings for links:

  • Alerts

  • Items

  • Payments

  • Interfaces Not Run

  • Exceptions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PeopleSoft Classic Receivables WorkCenter - My Work pagelet.

Receivables WorkCenter - My Work pagelet

Field or Control


Edit Filters

Click this link to modify filters on many links registered in the My Work pagelet as an end-user.

On the Edit Filters page, click the Edit Filter icon of the filter you want to modify. Select filter values on the Configure Filter Values page.

To configure filter definitions and values as a System Administrator, see the product documentation for the Configure Filter Values Page.

Alerts are defined in Enterprise Component’s Events & Notifications framework.

The Alerts group level includes these links to transaction areas:

  • Owner Actions List

  • Worklist

  • Write-Offs Pending My Approval

  • Conversations to Review

Page Name


Alternate Navigation


Owner Actions List


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Alerts: Owner Actions List link.

Or Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Actions > Owner Action List > Owner Action List.

Review and act upon action list items assigned to the user.



Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Alerts: Worklist link.

Or Worklist > Worklist.

Review and act upon workflow worklist tasks assigned to the user.

Write-Offs Pending My Approval


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Items: Write-Offs Pending My Approval link.

OrAccounts Receivable > Receivables Maintenance > Maintenance Worksheet > Update Maintenance Worksheet > Worksheet Application

Includes write-offs submitted for approval by a requestor and write-offs pushed back from a higher level approver. Allows the approver to approve, deny, or push back one or more worksheets.

Conversations to Review


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Alerts: Conversations to Review link.

Or Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Conversations > View/Update Conversations > Conversations

Click the Add Conversation link on the Conversations tab or in the header region of the Collections Workbench.

Review conversations assigned to the user and access the Conversations page.

Use the Owner Actions Lists page (AR_WC_ALERTS_SEL) to review and act upon the action list items assigned to you.


  • Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.

    Click the Alerts: Owner Actions List link.

  • Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Actions > Owner Action List > Owner Action List.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Owner Actions List Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Owner Actions List page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Owner Actions List Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Owner Actions List page - Detail 2 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Owner Actions List Page - Detail 3 Tab.

Owner Actions List page - Detail 3 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Owner Actions List Page - Detail 4 Tab.

Owner Actions List page - Detail 4 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Owner Actions List Page - Detail 5 Tab.

Owner Actions List page - Detail 5 tab

Field or Control



Click the action link associated with an item to show action details on the Action page, where you can perform, cancel, or reassign the action, and add a conversation. Each action in the Action column must be performed individually by drilling into the action from this list.

See the documentation for the Action Detail Page.

See also Working with Actions.


Click the item ID link to access item details in the View/Update Item Details component (ITEM_MAINTAIN), where you can view and update item details and view item activity and accounting entries (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details).

See Changing and Reviewing Item Information.

See Reviewing Item Information.

Risk Score

Click the risk score link to open the Risk Score Details page, where you can view the risk score that is calculated based on setting up risk scoring rules and running the Request Risk Scoring process (AR_RISK).

You can also access this information on the Risk Score Details page by clicking the Risk Score value link on the Credit Profile tab on the Collections Workbench.

See Using the Collections Workbench.


Perform an action on one or more items that you select in the Owner Actions List grid, and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Cancel

  • Reassign

When you choose the Reassign action, the system displays the Reassignment group box, where you can assign the selected item action to a different owner.

You can also access the Owner Action List page through the Customer Interactions component (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Owner Action List, Owner Action List).

See Working with Actions.

Use the Worklist page (WORKLIST) to review and act upon workflow worklist tasks assigned to you.

When work is routed to a you, it is put in your worklist. To work on an item, you select it from the Worklist and the system presents the appropriate page to begin work.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Alerts: Worklist link.

Or Worklist > Worklist.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Worklist Page.

Worklist page

The Worklist shows these items in the grid:

  • New Write Off Requiring My Approval

  • New Action List item Created

  • New Debit/Credit Created

  • New Payment Predictor On-Account Created

See also Using the PeopleSoft Worklist to View Notification Messages and Working with Actions

Use the Write-Offs Pending My Approval page (AR_WC_ITEMS_SEL) to review write-offs submitted for approval by a requestor and write-offs pushed back from a higher level approver. You can approve, deny, or pushback one or more worksheets.


  • Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.

    Click the Items: Write-Offs Pending My Approval link.

  • Accounts Receivable > Receivables Maintenance > Maintenance Worksheet > Update Maintenance Worksheet > Worksheet Application

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Write-Offs Pending My Approval Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Write-Offs Pending My Approval page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Write-Offs Pending My Approval Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Write-Offs Pending My Approval page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control


Worksheet ID

Click the link associated with a worksheet ID to show worksheet details on the Worksheet Application page (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Maintenance Worksheet, Worksheet Application).


Perform an action on one or more worksheets that you select in the Write-Offs Pending My Approval grid, and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Approve

  • Deny

  • Pushback

When you select the Approve action, the system displays the Comments field, where you can enter free-form comments.

The approver can also review the write-off and choose to approve, deny, or pushback using the Worksheet Application page for Payment, Draft, or Maintenance worksheets. The bottom of the Worksheet Application pages display buttons to approve or deny the write-off amount and contains a section to enter comments.

See Approving Write-Off Amounts Using Workflow

Use the Conversations to Review page (AR_WC_ALERTS_SEL) to review conversations assigned to you and to access the Conversations page.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Alerts: Conversations to Review link.

Or Accounts Receivable > Customer Interactions > Conversations > View/Update Conversations > Conversations

Click the Add Conversation link on the Conversations tab or in the header region of the Collections Workbench.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Conversations to Review Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Conversations to Review page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Conversations to Review Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Conversations to Review page - Detail 2 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Conversations to Review Page - Detail 3 Tab.

Conversations to Review page - Detail 3 tab

The Conversations to Review grid shows items for active customers with any of these statuses:

  • Review Required

  • Follow-Up Required

  • Supervisor Review Required

  • Promise Date Review

  • Broken Promise Review

The grid also shows existing conversations for inactive customers; in this case, the conversation details are read-only.

Field or Control



Click the link associated with a conversation description to access the Conversations page.

You can also access the Conversations page through the Receivables Customer Interactions menu (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, View/Update Conversations, Conversations), the Collections Workbench (click the Add Conversation link on the Conversations tab or in the header region of the Collections Workbench), or the Customers component (Customers, Conversations, Update Conversations, Conversations).

See Reviewing Conversations and Promises.

See also Entering and Reviewing Conversations

Attachments (n)

Indicates whether attachments exist, and if so, a link appears that accesses the attachments. The number of attachments appears in parenthesis (n). Displays No Attachment in the column if none exists.

The Items group level includes these links to transaction areas:

  • Open Items

  • Write-Offs Pending Approval

  • Maintenance Worksheets to Post

  • Transfer Worksheets to Post

  • Pending Item Groups to Post

Note: Pages that do not include an alternate navigation are accessible only through the Receivables WorkCenter.

Page Name


Alternate Navigation


Open Items


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Items: Open Items link.

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Item List > Item List

Build and view a list of open items that require follow-up based on their status. Use links to view details for a specific item.

Write-Offs Pending Approval


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Items: Write-Offs Pending Approval link.

Review Payment, Maintenance and Draft worksheets containing write-offs pending approval.

Maintenance Worksheets to Post


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Items: Maintenance Worksheets to Post link.

Review and manage one or more maintenance worksheets in the grid.

Transfer Worksheets to Post


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Items: Transfer Worksheets to Post link.

Review transfer worksheets available to post.

Pending Item Groups to Post


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Items: Pending Item Groups to Post link.

Review and select one or more pending item groups to delete or post.

Use the Open Items page (AR_WC_ITEM_LIST) to build and view a list of open items that require follow-up based on their status. Use links to view details for a specific item. The total count displayed with the link is all open items in the system.


  • Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.

    Click the Items: Open Items link.

  • Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Item List > Item List

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Open Items page.

Open Items page

Depending on the filters selected for your Open Items page, the grid will show these items:

  • Disputed

  • Deduction

  • Doubtful

  • Collection

  • Past Due

  • By Entry Type (for example, On-Accounts, Prepayments)

Use the Item List component (ITEM_LIST) to search for items for a specified customer or business unit. You can also generate a list of items spanning multiple customers based on the search parameters that you entered (including but not limited to such as Disputed, Collection, Deduction, and Past Due). Use the Advanced Search function to enter and save search criteria based on field values in the Item table (PS_ITEM).

Field or Control



Click the item ID link to access item details in the View/Update Item Details component (ITEM_MAINTAIN), where you can view and update item details and view item activity and accounting entries (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details).

See Changing and Reviewing Item Information and Reviewing Item Information

Conversation Exists icon and Conv Exists (conversation exists)

Click the Conversation Exists icon to drill into item conversation details. If one conversation exists for the item, clicking the icon opens the Conversations page, where you can review the conversation details. If multiple conversations exist for an item, clicking the icon opens the Conversations for Item page (AR_CONVER_LIST_SEC), where you can view the details for a specific conversation in the list.

View Invoice Image icon (View Invoice Image icon)

Click the View Invoice Image icon to view the invoice for the selected item.

Email icon (Email icon)

Click the Email icon to open the Send Invoice page, where you can send a copy of the invoice image for an item by email.


Select an action from the following:

  • Generate a Dunning Letter

  • Generate an Open Item Report

  • Multi-item Update

  • Pay by Credit Card

  • Reprint Invoices

  • Tie to a New Conversation

  • Tie to the Last Conversation

  • View Items and Item Activity

Use the Write-Offs Pending Approval page (AR_WC_ITEMS_SEL) to review Payment, Maintenance and Draft worksheets containing write-offs pending approval.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Items: Write-Offs Pending Approval link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Write-Offs Pending Approval Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Write-Offs Pending Approval page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Write-Offs Pending Approval page - Detail 2 tab.

Write-Offs Pending Approval page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control


WorkSheet ID

Click the link associated with a worksheet ID to show worksheet details on the Worksheet Application page (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Maintenance Worksheet, Worksheet Application). You can drill down into a worksheet to see approval history—including prior approvals, denials, and pushbacks—that exists for the selected worksheet.

See Maintaining Customer Accounts Using Worksheets

Use the Maintenance Worksheets to Post page (AR_WC_ITEMS_SEL) to review and manage one or more maintenance worksheets in the grid.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Items: Maintenance Worksheets to Post link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintenance Worksheets to Post Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Maintenance Worksheets to Post page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintenance Worksheets to Post Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Maintenance Worksheets to Post page - Detail 2 tab

Note: Default filter values in this example show groups with a Posting Status = Not Posted and Posting Action = No Action. You must define these user filter values to achieve the same result.

Field or Control


WorkSheet ID

Click the link associated with a worksheet ID to show the maintenance worksheet details on the Worksheet Application page (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Maintenance Worksheet, Worksheet Application).


Perform an action on one or more maintenance worksheets that you select in the Maintenance Worksheets to Post grid, and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Delete Worksheet

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Standard

  • Do Not Post

  • Post Now

  • Post Now to GL

To perform actions on individual worksheets, use the Worksheet Action page (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Finalize Worksheet, Worksheet Action).

See Maintaining Customer Accounts Using Worksheets.

Use the Transfer Worksheets to Post page (AR_WC_ITEMS_SEL) to review transfer worksheets available to post.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.

Click the Items: Transfer Worksheets to Post link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Transfer Worksheets to Post Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Transfer Worksheets to Post page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Transfer Worksheets to Post Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Transfer Worksheets to Post page - Detail 2 tab

Note: Default filter values in this example show groups with a Posting Status = Not Posted and Posting Action = No Action. You must define these user filter values to achieve the same result

Field or Control


WorkSheet ID

Click the link associated with a worksheet ID to show transfer worksheet details in the Transfer Worksheet component (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet, Update Worksheet), where you can transfer items to another customer or business unit, transfer doubtful receivables, and review and update accounting entries.

See Transferring Items to Another Customer or Business Unit.


Perform an action on one or more transfer worksheets that you select in the Transfer Worksheets to Post grid, and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Delete Worksheet

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Standard

  • Do Not Post

  • Post Now

  • Post Now to GL

See Transferring Items to Another Customer or Business Unit.

Use the Pending Item Groups to Post page (AR_WC_PNDITM_SEL) to review and select one or more pending item groups to delete or post.

The Pending Item Groups to Post page displays pending items—including Online, External, and Overdue Charges items—to be processed in the Receivables system.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Items: Pending Item Groups to Post link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Item Groups to Post Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Pending Item Groups to Post page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Item Groups to Post Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Pending Item Groups to Post page - Detail 2 tab

Note: Default filter values in this example show groups with a Posting Status = Not Posted and Posting Action = No Action. You must define these user filter values to achieve the same result.

Field or Control


Group ID

Click a Group ID link to open the pending item details for the group. If a pending item group was loaded using a billing interface (Origin ID = PS_BI), the External Pending Item Entry pages open (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, External Items). For pending items that were entered online (Origin ID = OBILL), the Online Pending Item Entry pages open (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items).

For Overdue Charges pending groups with a single customer/item, the Finance Single Entry Format component opens upon clicking the Group ID link. If multiple customers/items are associated with the Overdue Changes group, first a detail page displays all the transactions associated with the group. Click the Item ID link on the detail page to view the respective Finance Single Entry Format component pages.

See Entering or Updating Pending Items.


Perform an action on one or more groups that you select in the Pending Item Groups to Post grid, and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Delete Group

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Standard

  • Do Not Post

  • Post Now

  • Post Now to GL

All actions except for Post Now and Post Now to GL are allowed for Overdue Charges and External items.

To perform actions on groups one at a time, you can also use the Group Action page (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, External Items, Group Entry, Group Action or Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Group Entry, Group Action).

See Group Action Page - External Items.

Totals by Currency

Displays the sum of Control Amounts of the items in the Control Currency. If the Control Currency is not specified at the transaction level, then the system will not display a currency code for the amount.

The Payments group level includes these links to transaction areas:

  • Express Deposits to Post

  • Incomplete Payments

  • Payments to Post

  • Credit Card Payments to Post

  • Incomplete Credit Card Payments

Note: Pages that do not include an alternate navigation are accessible only through the Receivables WorkCenter.

Page Name


Alternate Navigation


Express Deposits to Post


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Express Deposits to Post link.

Review and select one or more express deposits to post.

Incomplete Payments


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Incomplete Payments link.

Review a list of incomplete payments.

Payments to Post


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Payments to Post link.

Or Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > Payments Set to Post > Payments Set to Post

Review and select one or more payment worksheets to post the next time you run Receivables Update processing.

Credit Card Payments to Post


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Credit Card Payments to Post link.

Review and select one or more credit card payment worksheets to post the next time you run Receivables Update processing.

Incomplete Credit Card Payments


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Incomplete Credit Card Payments link.

Review credit card payments that have not been authorized or settled. Select and correct, resubmit, or delete one or more incomplete credit card payments.

Electronic Payments to Post


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.

Click the Payments: Electronic Payments to Post link.

Review and post electronic check and PayPal payments.

Use the Express Deposits to Post page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to review and select one or more express deposits to post.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Express Deposits to Post link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Express Deposits to Post Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Express Deposits to Post page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Express Deposits to Post Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Express Deposits to Post page - Detail 2 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Express Deposits to Post Page - Detail 3 Tab.

Express Deposits to Post page - Detail 3 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Express Deposits to Post Page - Detail 4 Tab.

Express Deposits to Post page - Detail 4 tab

Field or Control


Deposit ID

Click the Deposit ID link to open the Express Deposit (PAYMENT_EXPRESS) component (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Express Deposit), where you can enter express deposit totals, enter and apply payments with express deposit, and select an express deposit action.

See Entering Express Deposits.


Perform an action on one or more payment groups that you select in the Express Deposits to Post grid, and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Delete Payment Group

  • Batch Standard

  • Do Not Post

To perform actions on express deposits one at a time, you can also use the Express Deposit - Action page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Express Deposit, Action).

See Express Deposit - Action Page.

Use the Incomplete Payments page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to review a list of incomplete payments.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Incomplete Payments link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incomplete Payments Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Incomplete Payments page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incomplete Payments Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Incomplete Payments page - Detail 2 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incomplete Payments Page - Detail 3 Tab.

Incomplete Payments page - Detail 3 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incomplete Payments Page - Detail 4 Tab.

Incomplete Payments page - Detail 4 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incomplete Payments Page - Detail 5 Tab.

Incomplete Payments page - Detail 5 tab

The Incomplete Payments grid shows items with these statuses:

  • Unidentified Status

  • Identified Status

  • Worksheet Status

Field or Control


Payment ID

Click the link associated with a payment ID to access the All Payments page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, All Payments, All Payments or Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, Payment Status, All Payments), where you can review payment status details.

See Looking Up Information About Payments.

Use the Payments to Post page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to review and select one or more payment worksheets to post the next time you run Receivables Update processing.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Payments to Post link.

Or Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > Payments Set to Post > Payments Set to Post.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payments to Post Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Payments to Post page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payments to Post Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Payments to Post page - Detail 2 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payments to Post Page - Detail 3 Tab.

Payments to Post page - Detail 3 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payments to Post Page - Detail 4 Tab.

Payments to Post page - Detail 4 tab

Field or Control


Payment ID

Click the link associated with a payment ID to access the All Payments page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, All Payments, All Payments or Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, Payment Status, All Payments), where you can review payment status details.

See Looking Up Information About Payments.


Perform an action on one ore more payment groups that you select in the Payments to Post grid and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Delete Payment Group

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Standard

  • Do Not Post

  • Post Now

  • Post Now to GL

To perform actions on payment groups one at a time, you can also use the Groups Set To Post page (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Review Items, Groups Set To Post, Groups Set To Post).

See Setting Groups to Post.

Use the Credit Card Payments to Post page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to review and select one or more credit card payment worksheets to post the next time you run Receivables Update processing.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Credit Card Payments to Post link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Credit Card Payments to Post Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Credit Card Payments to Post page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Credit Card Payments to Post Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Credit Card Payments to Post page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control


Payment ID

Click the link associated with a payment ID to access the All Payments page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, All Payments, All Payments or Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, Payment Status, All Payments), where you can review payment status details.

See Looking Up Information About Payments.

Credit Card Details icon

Click the Credit Card Details icon to open the Credit Card Details page (Accounts Receivable, Credit Card, Credit Card Workbench, and click the Credit Card Details button, or click the Pay Balance by Credit Card link on the Account Overview - Balances page), where you can view or modify the customer's credit card details and settle a credit card transaction.

See Understanding Credit Card Processing.


Perform an action on one or more payment groups that you select in the Credit Card Payments to Post grid, and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Delete Payment Group

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Standard

  • Do Not Post

  • Post Now

  • Post Now to GL

To perform actions on credit card payment groups one at a time, you can use the Credit Card Worksheet Application page (Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Update Worksheet, Worksheet Application).

See Creating Credit Card Payments Using the Credit Card Worksheet.

Use the Incomplete Credit Card Payments page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to review credit card payments that have not been authorized or settled. Select and correct, resubmit, or delete one or more incomplete credit card payments.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Payments: Incomplete Credit Card Payments link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incomplete Credit Card Payments Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Incomplete Credit Card Payments page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incomplete Credit Card Payments Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Incomplete Credit Card Payments page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control


Payment ID

Click the link associated with a payment ID to access the Credit Card Worksheet page (Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Credit Card WorkBench, Update Worksheet), where you can review credit card payments.

See Creating Credit Card Payments Using the Credit Card Worksheet.

Credit Card Details icon

Click the Credit Card Details icon to open the Credit Card Details page (Accounts Receivable, Credit Card, Credit Card Workbench, and click the Credit Card Details button, or click the Pay Balance by Credit Card link on the Account Overview - Balances page), where you can view or modify the customer's credit card details and settle a credit card transaction.

See Understanding Credit Card Processing.


Perform an action on one or more incomplete credit card payments that you select in the Incomplete Credit Card Payments grid, and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Authorize and Settle Now

  • Cancel Settlement Request

  • Delete Payment Group

You can also perform actions on incomplete credit card payments on the Credit Card WorkBench (Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Credit Card WorkBench).

See Resolving Credit Card Payment Exceptions.

Use the Electronic Payments to Post page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to review and post electronic check and PayPal payments.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.

Click the Payments: Electronic Payments to Post link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Electronic Payments to Post Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Electronic Payments to Post page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Electronic Payments to Post Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Electronic Payments to Post page - Detail 2 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Electronic Payments to Post Page - Detail 3 Tab.

Electronic Payments to Post page - Detail 3 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Electronic Payments to Post Page - Detail 4 Tab.

Electronic Payments to Post page - Detail 4 tab

Field or Control


Payment ID

Click the link associated with a payment ID to access the All Payments page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, All Payments, All Payments or Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, Payment Status, All Payments), where you can review payment status details.

See Looking Up Information About Payments.


Perform an action on one or more payment groups that you select in the Electronic Payments to Post grid, and click the GO button. Choose from these actions:

  • Delete Payment Group

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Standard

  • Do Not Post

  • Post Now

  • Post Now to GL

Payment Worksheet Type

Displays ePayment Worksheet. For more information, see Processing ePayments in Receivables.

The Interfaces Not Run group level includes these links to transaction areas:

  • Bills

  • Cash Drawer Receipts

  • Excel Payment Upload

  • Electronic Deposits

  • Refunds

  • Accounting Entries to GL

  • Direct Journals to GL

Note: Pages that do not include an alternate navigation are accessible only through the Receivables WorkCenter.

Page Name


Alternate Navigation




Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Interfaces Not Run: Bills link.

Displays bills from BI_HDR available to be sent from Billing to AR.

Cash Drawer Receipts


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Cash Drawer Receipts link.

Displays CDR_RECEIPT rows that have not been loaded into the payment staging tables and for which the Process Cash Drawer Receipts (CDR_LOADPMT) process still needs to be run.

Excel Payment Upload


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Excel Payment Upload link listed under Interfaces Not Run.

Displays DEPOSIT_EXCEL rows that have not been loaded into the payment staging tables. The Excel Edit process (AR_EXCL_EDIT) needs to be run.

Electronic Deposits


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Electronic Deposits link.

Review and select one or more pending item groups to delete, post, or unpost.



Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Refunds link.

Displays ITEM_ACTIVITY refund transactions that have not been distributed to AP.

Accounting Entries to GL


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Accounting Entries to GL link.

Displays ITEM_ACTIVITY ready to be sent to GL via Journal Generator.

Direct Journals to GL


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Direct Journals to GL link.

Displays completed direct journal payments ready to be sent to the GL system.

Cash Control Entries to GL


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Cash Control Entries to GL link.

Displays completed cash control entries ready to be sent to GLsystem.

Use the Bills page (AR_WC_INTFC_SEL) to display bills from BI_HDR available to be sent from Billing to AR.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Interfaces Not Run: Bills link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bills Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Bills page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bills Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Bills page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control



Perform this action on one or more bills that you select in the Bills grid, and click the GO button:

Load Invoices to AR

Use this action to initiate the Load AR Pending Items Application Engine process (BILDAR01), which loads the item or items you have selected into PeopleSoft Receivables. If you use a third-party billing system, you must develop an interface to populate the pending item tables.

See Running the Load AR Pending Items Process (BILDAR01).

See Understanding Pending Item Entry.

The run control ID for this process is generated using auto-numbering with this prefix: ARWC_LDAR.

Use the Cash Drawer Receipts page (AR_WC_INTFC_SEL) to display CDR_RECEIPT rows that have not been loaded into the payment staging tables and for which the Process Cash Drawer Receipts (CDR_LOADPMT) process still needs to be run.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Cash Drawer Receipts link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Drawer Receipts Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Cash Drawer Receipts page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Drawer Receipts Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Cash Drawer Receipts page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control



Select this action from the list to apply to all receipts shown in the grid and click the GO button.

Process Receipts

This grid does not allow individual rows to be selected for processing. When you select the Process Receipts action, the system opens the Process Cash Drawer Receipts page, where you can select the receipts to process, and initiate Cash Drawer Receipts processing (CDR_LOADPMT) to send payments to Accounts Receivable.

See Receiving Cash Drawer Payments.

See Using the Cash Drawer.

The run control ID for this process is generated using auto-numbering with this prefix: ARWC_CDR.

Use the Excel Payment Upload page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to display DEPOSIT_EXCEL rows that have not been loaded into the payment staging tables. The Excel Edit process (AR_EXCL_EDIT) needs to be run.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.

Click the Excel Payment Upload link listed under Interfaces Not Run.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Excel Payment Upload Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Excel Upload Deposit Errors page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Excel Payment Upload Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Excel Payment Upload page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control


Deposit ID

Click the Deposit ID link to open the Express Deposit (PAYMENT_EXPRESS) component (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Express Deposit) for the selected deposit, where you can enter express deposit totals, enter and apply payments with express deposit, and select an express deposit action.

See Entering Express Deposits.


Select the following action from the list to apply to all deposits shown in the grid, and click the GO button:

Excel Payment Upload

This grid does not allow individual rows to be selected for processing. When you select the Excel Payment Upload action, the system sends rows in the grid to the Excel Payment Upload Process page, where you can select the payments to process, and initiate the Excel Edit process (AR_EXCL_EDIT).

See Receiving and Editing Spreadsheet Payments.

The run control ID for this process is generated using auto-numbering with this prefix: ARWC_EXL.

Use the Electronic Deposits page (AR_WC_INTFC_SEL) to review and select one or more pending item groups to delete, post, or unpost.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Electronic Deposits link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Electronic Deposits Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Electronic Deposits page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Electronic Deposits Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Electronic Deposits page - Detail 2 tab

The Electronic Deposits grid shows these items:

  • EDI 820


  • Lockboxes

  • Electronic Bank Statements

  • EFT payment files

  • Cash Drawer Receipts

  • Spreadsheet Payments

Field or Control



Select the following action from the list to apply to all electronic deposits shown in the grid, and click the GO button:

Process Payment Interface

This grid does not allow individual payments to be selected for processing. When you select the Process Payment Interface action, the system opens the Payment Interface page, where you can select the data sources to run, and initiate the Payment Loader Application Engine process.

See Using EDI and Split Stream Processing.

The run control ID for this process is generated using auto-numbering with this prefix: ARWC_PYLD.

Use the Refunds page (AR_WC_INTFC_SEL) to display ITEM_ACTIVITY refund transactions that have not been distributed to AP.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Refunds link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Refunds Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Refunds page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Refunds Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Refunds page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control



Select the following action from the list to apply to all refunds shown in the grid, and click the GO button:

Load Refunds to AP

This grid does not allow individual refunds to be selected for processing. When you select the Load Refunds to AP action, the system opens the Refunds page (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Refunds, Request Refund Item, Refunds), where you can select the refunds and initiate processing refund processing (RUN_AR36001). The system loads the processed refunds into the PeopleSoft Payables voucher staging tables.

See Processing Refunds.

The run control ID is generated using auto-numbering with this prefix: ARWC_RFND.

Use the Accounting Entries to GL page (AR_WC_INTFC_SEL) to display ITEM_ACTIVITY ready to be sent to GL via Journal Generator.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Accounting Entries to GL link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Accounting Entries to GL page - Detail 1 tab.

Accounting Entries to GL page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Accounting Entries to GL page - Detail 2 tab.

Accounting Entries to GL page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control



Select the Generate Journals action from the list and click the GO button. You can select a single or multiple transactions and run the Journal Generator process for the selected transactions.

See Journaling Payments Directly to the General Ledger.

See Generating Journal Entries.

See Understanding the Load GL Accounting Entries Process (BILDGL01).

The run control ID is generated using auto-numbering with this prefix: ARWC_JRNL.

Use the Direct Journals to GL page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to display completed direct journal payments ready to be sent to the General Ledger system.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Direct Journals to GL link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Journals to GL page - Detail 1 tab.

Direct Journals to GL page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Journals to GL page - Detail 2 tab.

Direct Journals to GL page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control


Deposit ID

Click this link to access the Direct Journal Review page for the deposit.


Select the Generate Journals action from the list and click the GO button.

See Journaling Payments Directly to the General Ledger.

Use the Cash Control Entries to GL page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to display completed cash control entries ready to be sent to GLsystem.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Cash Control Entries to GL link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Control Entries to GL page - Detail 1 tab.

Cash Control Entries to GL page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Control Entries to GL page - Detail 2 tab.

Cash Control Entries to GL page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control


Deposit ID

Click this link to access the Cash Control Review page for the deposit.

See the Cash Control Payments Page for more information.


Select the Generate Journals action from the list and click the GO button. You can select a single or multiple entries and run the Journal Generator process for the selected entries.

See Journaling Payments Directly to the General Ledger.

The Exceptions group level includes links to transactional areas as summarized in the following table:

Note: Pages that do not include an alternate navigation are accessible only through the Receivables WorkCenter.

Page Name


Alternate Navigation


Posting Errors


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Posting Errors link.

Displays pending item groups containing errors, with access to Online Error Correction pages.

Deposit Balancing Errors


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Deposit Balancing Errors link.

Displays deposits where control totals do not equal the sum of the payments entered, including regular and express deposits.

Direct Journal Accounting Entry Errors


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Direct Journal Accounting Entry Errors link.

Correct Direct Journal accounting entry edit errors.

Revenue Estimate Exceptions


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Revenue Estimate Exceptions link.

Review Revenue Estimate budget checking errors.

Excel Upload Deposit Errors


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Excel Upload Deposit Errors link.

Correct Excel upload deposit errors.

Direct Journal Budget Exceptions


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Excel Upload Deposit Errors link.

Review Direct Journal budget checking errors.

Use the Posting Errors page (AR_WC_PNDITM_SEL) to display pending item groups containing errors with access to Online Error Correction pages.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Posting Errors link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Posting Errors Page - General Tab.

Posting Errors page - General tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Posting Errors Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Posting Errors page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Posting Errors Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Posting Errors page - Detail 2 tab

The Posting Errors grid shows results for these items and groups:

  • External Pending Items

  • Online Pending Items

  • Overdue Charge Pending Items

  • Maintenance Groups

  • Transfer Groups

  • Unpost Groups

  • Direct Debit Groups

  • Draft Groups

  • Payment Groups

Field or Control


Group ID

Click the link associated with a group ID to access error correction pages for Receivables Update (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Correct Posting Errors).

See Correcting Posting Errors.

Use the Deposit Balancing Errors page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to display deposits where control totals do not equal the sum of the payments entered, including regular and express deposits.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Deposit Balancing Errors link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Deposit Balancing Errors Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Deposit Balancing Errors page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Deposit Balancing Errors Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Deposit Balancing Errors page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control


Deposit ID

Click the Deposit ID link to open the Express Deposit (PAYMENT_EXPRESS) component (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Express Deposit) for the selected deposit, where you can correct the deposit with balancing errors.

See Entering Express Deposits.

See Correcting Posting Errors.

Use the Direct Journal Accounting Entry Errors page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to correct Direct Journal accounting entry edit errors.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Direct Journal Accounting Entry Errors link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Journal Accounting Entry Errors Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Direct Journal Accounting Entry Errors page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Journal Accounting Entry Errors Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Direct Journal Accounting Entry Errors page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control


Deposit ID

Click the Deposit ID link to open the Accounting Entries page, where you can Review and correct errors for accounting entries in a maintenance group.

You can also access the Accounting Entries page using these navigation paths: Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Correct Posting Errors, Worksheet, Accounting Entries or Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Accounting Entries, Accounting Entries .

See Reviewing Accounting Entries and Correcting Errors.

See Correcting Posting Errors.

Use the Revenue Estimate Exceptions page (AR_WC_INTFC_SEL) to review Revenue Estimate budget checking errors.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Revenue Estimate Exceptions link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Revenue Estimate Exceptions Page.

Revenue Estimate Exceptions page

Field or Control


Commitment Control Tran ID (commitment control transaction ID)

Click the link associated with a commitment control transaction ID to open the Revenue Estimate (KK_XCP_AR1) component (Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Revenues, Review Revenue Estimate), where you can review the budget exceptions and, if you have authority, to override specific budgets for a failed transaction as well as all budgets for a failed transaction.

See Performing Commitment Control Processing.

See Correcting Posting Errors.

Use the Excel Upload Deposit Errors page (AR_WC_EXCEL_ERR) to correct Excel upload deposit errors.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Excel Upload Deposit Errors link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Excel Upload Deposit Errors Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Excel Upload Deposit Errors page - Detail 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Excel Upload Deposit Errors Page - Detail 2 Tab.

Excel Upload Deposit Errors page - Detail 2 tab

Field or Control



Select an action from the list and click the GO button:

Delete Deposits

Use this grid to review and select deposit records created by the Excel Payment Upload process. You can also correct Excel deposit upload errors on the Excel Upload Deposit Errors page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Excel Error Correction, Excel Upload Deposit Errors).

See Receiving and Editing Spreadsheet Payments.

The run control ID is generated using auto-numbering with this prefix: ARWC_RBT.

Use the Direct Journal Budget Exceptions page (AR_WC_PYMNT_SEL) to review Direct Journal budget checking errors.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Direct Journal Budget Exceptions link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Journal Budget Exceptions Page - Detail 1 Tab.

Direct Journal Budget Exceptions page - Detail 1 tab

Use this grid to review direct journal budget checking errors.