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Understanding PeopleSoft CRM Integration with the Transaction Billing Processor

This topic discusses:

See Also

PeopleSoft FSCM: Contracts, “Setting Up the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor”

PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService, PeopleSoft Order Capture, and PeopleSoft CRM call center applications can integrate with the Transaction Billing Processor or any third-party billing applications to:

  • Send agreement, service order, and case fees to the Transaction Billing Processor.

  • Send order capture service and product agreement information to the Transaction Billing Processor.

  • Generate invoices for services, cases and agreement fees.

  • Manage and book revenue to the appropriate general ledger accounts for recurring and one-time purchases of services and products.

Users can take advantage of the feature-rich billing functionality that is available through PeopleSoft Contracts, such as revenue recognition, billing cycle, and schedule details.

This PeopleSoft application also provides the ability to apply the appropriate surcharges and taxation to billable amounts and process the information using user-defined invoice formats.

Note: PeopleSoft CRM FieldService and Call Center do not calculate surcharges and taxes. These transactions are computed in the Transaction Billing Processor.

See Also

PeopleSoft FSCM: Billing, “Structuring Bills”

Agreement information resides in PeopleSoft CRM. The system sends it to the Transaction Billing Processor for integration with PeopleSoft Billing and General Ledger. If you integrate PeopleSoft CRM with the Transaction Billing Processor, PeopleSoft CRM sends all agreement-based and on-demand transactions through to the Transaction Billing Processor.

PeopleSoft CRM sends transactions to the Transaction Billing Processor when a user changes the status to Active. The timing for billing is decided by PeopleSoft Contracts and Billing based on the options set on the Recurring Bill Schedule page.

In preparation for the integration to the Transaction Billing Processor, PeopleSoft CRM includes statuses and start and end dates on the agreement lines. To control the states that an agreement can move through during the agreement life cycle, PeopleSoft includes change control logic on the agreement status. PeopleSoft CRM uses the same status values that are used in the Transaction Billing Processor. The Pending Activation and Action Required statuses are, however, unique to PeopleSoft CRM.

Note: The integration to the Transaction Billing Processor only works with PeopleSoft CRM release 8.9 and above and PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Management release 8.81 and above.

Agreement Statuses

Here are the PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService and PeopleSoft Support agreement statuses:

Field or Control



Use this status when you create an agreement but you have not completed entering information into the agreement. This status enables you to save an agreement without initiating validation checking.

Pending Activation

An agreement is in the Pending Activation status when its data entry is complete and manager approval is obtained. Changing the status to the Pending Activation status triggers the message that is sent to the Transaction Billing Processor.

From this status, the system attempts to create a contract. If no errors occur, the contract is created in the Active status.

The agreement remains in Pending Activation status until the associated contract's billing and revenue plans are set to Ready status.

When the contract line is ready for billing and revenue, the Transaction Billing Processor sends a message to PeopleSoft CRM and the system moves the agreement from Pending Activation to Active status automatically so that PeopleSoft CRM can send transactions to the Transaction Billing Processor for processing. When the Contract and the Contract line is created, it is automatically created with a Billing and Revenue plan status of Readyand hence the message is sent to CRM without any user intervention.

Action Required

An agreement is in a status of Action Required when a failure occurs on the contract activation in the Transaction Billing Processor. If the error occurs in the Transaction Billing Processor, it sends an error message to PeopleSoft CRM indicating that the agreement will remain in a status of Action Required. It remains in this status until the status changes to Pending Activation after you add the correct information to the agreement.

If the billing or revenue plan could not be set to Ready status, the Transaction Billing Processor sends an error message to PeopleSoft CRM indicating what information is missing or incorrect so that the appropriate areas can be corrected and another attempt can be made to put the billing plan or revenue plan in Ready status. In this case the system create a new contract.

Once the billing and revenue plan are in Ready status, then the system sets the agreement and contract automatically to Active status.

If any information on the agreement was missing or incorrect, or if a server was down at the time of transmission, the agreement remains in Action Required status.


If no errors exist for the agreement in the Pending Activation status, then the agreement is set to Active status. This occurs automatically after a contract is created and set to the Active status and a billing and revenue plan are created in the Ready status. The contract can now accept transactions from the agreement in PeopleSoft CRM.


A contract can be set to the Closed status when the agreement and agreement lines associated with the contract are in Closed status and all transactions associated with the agreement have been sent to billing and revenue.

When the Bill Plan or Revenue Plan is attempted to be completed or canceled, the system checks that the agreement and agreement lines associated with the contract are closed and that no service orders or cases are pending. If agreement lines are not closed or pending service orders and cases exist, the system displays an error message.

Note: You cannot initiate the closure of a contract from the CRM side.

The agreement becomes read-only when the status is set to Closed for the agreement.

Note: A contract can no longer accept transactions from PeopleSoft CRM once it has been closed. The Pending Activation and Action Required statuses are available only when you select Contracts Integration on the Installation page for PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService.

These are all the transactions PeopleSoft CRM sends to the Transaction Billing Processor:

  • Agreement Fee (including renewal and uplift/discount).

  • On Demand (including case fee, uplift/discount, service order fee, and service order fee uplift discount).

  • Agreement Based (including case fee, uplift/discount, service order fee, and service order uplift/discount).

  • Service Order (including labor fee, labor fee uplift/discount, material fee, material fee uplift/discount, expenses, expenses uplift/discount).

Note: The transactions with uplifts and discounts are sent to the customer on the same invoice as the fee. They appear as separate bill lines; therefore, they are considered separate transactions.

To retrieve the correct rate for a worker’s time, you must define cost category types using the Cost Category Definition page within the Service Level component. Cost category types are set based on the service level, which defines the service provider’s hours of operation.

The Service level setup page is used to configure a customer's hours of operation. For example, a service provider might define their hours of operation to be:

  • Straight hours.

    Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Overtime hours.

    Monday through Thursday 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.

  • Weekends.

    Friday 5:00 p.m. to Monday 8:00 a.m.

Once you tie cost categories to the days and hours of operation, then the system can apply the correct rate to the provider group or provider group member. The Cost Category Definition page enables you to define the cost category for the service level hours of operation defined on the service level page. You can override begin and end times, select different cost categories, and enter multiple values for a given day.

In addition, you must define cost categories for workers to account for the cost of labor time to your company. You set up these cost categories using the Provider Group and Provider Group Member definition pages in the Workforce component.

When technicians enter their hours in the time log based on that day and time, the system retrieves the correct rate from the member cost categories.

To price cases for a call center agent’s time or to implement pricing based on a flat fee per case, which is based on the price defined on the agreement, PeopleSoft CRM uses pricing logic that automatically calculates the number of hours upon saving a case.

You can also price and invoice prepaid services by time or the number of service orders or cases initiated through PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService and Support.

Additionally, the PeopleSoft system has incorporated pricing features within the Service Order component to enable pricing for the billable elements of a service (material, time, and expense fees) and to synchronize the service price of the materials from PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management (PeopleSoft SCM) with the information that resides on the service order.

You can also apply a service fee to cases and services orders.

The system retrieves the correct price from the Item Definition page in PeopleSoft CRM when the technician records material used at the customer site on the service order. The sum of the material used is calculated and summed up with the total cost of labor, expense charges, and service fees.

The system displays the material price, labor, expense, service charges, and total values separately. However, when sending information to PeopleSoft Contracts for billing, the system sends the individual transaction values so that they can be displayed separately on the invoice.

The service manager or contracts administrator can increase or decrease the sum of labor, material, and expense charges and recalculate fees to generate new service order totals. Surcharges and taxation are not, however, included in this total. These fees are calculated by billing and included on the invoice to the customer. You don't, however, need an agreement to bill a flat fee for a case.

The integration begins with the Transaction Billing Processor when a user sets the status to Pending Activation for an agreement or service. The system creates a corresponding contract and contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts through the Transaction Billing Processor. Transactions such as service orders, service agreements, and case details are sent from PeopleSoft CRM to the Transaction Billing Processor and stored in the Contracts Interface tables. The Transaction Billing Processor uses PeopleSoft Contracts rate-based functionality and bills charges on an as-incurred basis. The transaction information is then forwarded to PeopleSoft Billing as bill lines for invoice generation. The Transaction Billing Processor manages the appropriate timing of sending these transactions to PeopleSoft Billing.

PeopleSoft CRM uses reason codes on the Agreement and Billing pages for service orders and cases to provide an informational reason as to why an adjustment was made to the fees.

The prompt values for the Reason field are from the Reason Code table (RB_REASON_CD). To facilitate the integration with the Transaction Billing Processor, the PeopleSoft application uses reason codes to further describe billing adjustments. When you set up reason codes, you also need to specify the correct reason type to make the reasons available within the transactions.

For service order billing, you can specify reason codes for adjustments of service fees, material, time, expenses, and additional adjustments for the total cost of the service order. For agreement billing, you can specify reason codes for adjustments of service fees, product fees, service and product fees, and additional adjustments to the agreement fee total. For cases, you can specify reason codes for case fees and time-based fees.

All reason code types enable the end user to choose predefined reason codes from the Reason Code table (PS_RB_REASON_CD). If the reason codes in the database are not adequate for the user to make a billing adjustment, end users can click the Other link and enter their own reason in the Detail field.

For PeopleSoft CRM transactions that require value-added tax (VAT), the system sends the ship from location along with the address associated with the customer or the location where the product was shipped to the Transaction Billing Processor.

If VAT is set up for the services or products, the system determines whether VAT is required and performs the tax calculations to include on the invoice.

The system applies taxes during billing invoice finalization for VAT) and sales and use taxes (SUT). Rarely are both applied at the same time; however, the PeopleSoft application provides the flexibility to handle both taxes for those countries where both taxes apply.

Note: PeopleSoft Order Capture uses third-party tax calculation routines for Sales and Use tax as well as VAT tax calculations and does not use Simple Tax. Also, any taxes calculated by PeopleSoft Order Capture are recalculated in PeopleSoft Billing.

See Defining Tax Installation Options.

A service provider can use two methods of determining sales and use taxes that can be applied to a case, service order, and agreement fee transactions:

  • Simple Tax (PeopleSoft tax)

    If the customer is tax exempt, users can link to the Tax Parameters page from the Billing page on the service order, case, or agreement and then select the Tax Exempt check box. Customers should inform the service provider if they are exempt from taxes and provide their tax certificate number. If a user selects the Tax Exempt check box, they must also enter the tax certificate number.

    Since the exemption certificates are synced, the exemption certificate is prompted from the customer exemption table. However, it does not have to exist in the customer exemption table. PeopleSoft CRM does not perform a validation. If a user creates new addresses for a company, consumer, or site, the user can select a tax code from the prompt. When the company, consumer, or site is selected for an agreement fee, service order fee, or case fee transaction, the newly created address and tax code are be sent to the Transaction Billing Processor with the transaction.

  • Third-Party Tax (Vertex or Taxware).

    See Setting Up Sales and Use Tax for Third-Party Tax Vendors.

When the Transaction Billing Processor sends the transaction to PeopleSoft Billing for invoicing, final taxes are calculated at the time of invoice finalization using either of these methods. For PeopleSoft Billing to calculate the taxes for service order transaction (including service fees, labor, materials, and expenses) or case transactions (case fee or labor fee), specific tax fields must be populated and sent along with the transaction.

The fields that need to be populated are dependent on the tax methodology used, either PeopleSoft Tax or Third-Party Tax. PeopleSoft Billing handles the information for PeopleSoft CRM services.

For transactions that are sent from PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService or PeopleSoft Support, most of the values are provided by default from within PeopleSoft CRM transactions and passed on to the Transaction Billing Processor.

Note: PeopleSoft Billing derives some tax calculation information from the contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts Also, you can override most fields on the billing plan. PeopleSoft CRM also uses order acceptance location, order origin location, and storage location for third-party tax calculations.

If billable transactions for PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService and PeopleSoft Support require VAT, use the links on these PeopleSoft CRM setup pages to access the VAT Treatment page in PeopleSoft SCM:

  • Service Types

  • Cost Category

  • Case Type

  • Item

  • Item Group

To add SUT information, access the Tax Parameters page in PeopleSoft CRM from the billing pages within the agreement, service order, or case. You can also access the Tax Parameters Definitions page in PeopleSoft CRM by selecting select Set Up CRM, then select Common Definitions, then select Tax Parameter Definitions.

See Also

PeopleSoft FSCM: Order to Cash Common Information, “Maintaining General Customer Information,” Setting Up Tax-Exempt Certificate Information

PeopleSoft FSCM: Order to Cash Common Information, “Maintaining General Customer Information,” Adding General Customer Information, Entering Customer VAT Information

PeopleSoft FSCM: Application Fundamentals, “Defining Financials and Supply Chain Management Common Definitions,” Defining Sales and Use Tax Authorities and Codes

PeopleSoft FSCM: Global Options and Reports, “Working with VAT”

To apply revenue to the correct general ledger accounts for the time an agent or field service technician spends on a case or service order, the Workforce EIP (WORKFORCE_SYNC) and the Business Unit HR Sync EIP (BUS_UNIT_HR_SYNC) from PeopleSoft Human Capital Management retrieves the human resources (HR) business unit and the general ledger business unit for every worker.

The system stores the general ledger business unit information within the person data structure. The Business Unit HR Sync EIP (BUS_UNIT_HR_SYNC) from PeopleSoft HCM maps the HR business unit information to the general ledger business unit.

This links the general ledger business unit to the call center agent or field service technician. To accomplish this, PeopleSoft created two fields in the Worker component for the general ledger business unit.

The Item Definition page contains two pricing fields: Service Price and Service Exchange Amount. The service price is what the field technician charges the customer for using an item, regardless of whether it is an install or repair. The service exchange amount is what the customer is credited when a part is removed. This charge is deducted from the service price.

For example, a company has a service price of 10.00 USD for a new PC chip. The service exchange amount is set to 4.00 USD. When the field technician removes the part (item) from the installed product and replaces it with a new item, then the new chip costs 6.00 USD. In this case, the service exchange amount (4.00 USD) is subtracted from the service price (10.00 USD).

These fields map to the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management pricing fields (created specifically for pricing items in PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService). When the item price is synchronized with the item master, the system checks the appropriate fields for item definitions. The price and currency code are exposed on the Item Definition page when an integration with PeopleSoft SCM exists but they are not available for update. Therefore, the currency and price cannot be modified on the Item Definition page.

However, if the items are not synchronized with PeopleSoft SCM, the administrator may enter price information on the Item Definition page. To stay in sync with the Item Definition page in PeopleSoft SCM, the same fields and labels are used in PeopleSoft CRM.

The system displays these fields on the Item Definition page in PeopleSoft CRM:

  • Currency Code

    This field prompts on the Currency Code table (CURRENCY_CODE_TABLE). The administrator can select the currency code for each item because items can have different currency codes. This field is not required.

  • Service Price

    Enter an amount for the item. This field is not required.

  • Service Exchange Amount

    Enter an amount for the item if it is being exchanged for a newer or working item. This field is not required.

Note: These prices are only used within the service order when calculating the pricing for materials.

PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService provides two reports that are used to detail the services that have to be performed for a service order and provide expense details to customers.

Here are descriptions of the reports:

  • Service Order Estimate Report.

    Once a technician enters time, material, and expense information in a service order, the contract administrator, service manager, or technician may generate a report to provide to the customer for services performed. This report is an estimate of the amount that is planned for the job. It includes all activities with the planned start and stop dates and times, the status of each activity, the charge for performing the service, and any materials that are going to be used. There is a comments section that the technician can use to report actual material and labor if it is different than what was specified on the report. This report does not include taxes and surcharges and it is not a bill. To launch the report from the Service Order page, the user clicks the Estimate Report button on the toolbar.

  • Service Order Detail Report.

    This report is used by technicians to list all of the work needed to fulfill the requirements of the service order. To launch the report from the Service Order or My Service Order page, the user clicks the Detail Report button on the toolbar.

To define the various attributes of an agreement, service order, or case that should be sent to specific revenue accounts, set up accounting rules in the Transaction Billing Processor during implementation.

The integration to the Transaction Billing Processor enables users to manage and book their revenue by posting revenue accounting entries to their general ledger for agreement fees and services rendered, which are entered on service orders and cases.

For accounting purposes, these fields must be populated in the Contracts Interface table by PeopleSoft CRM:

Field or Control


Transaction Source

Indicates the origin of the transaction. For example, if the value is CRM, it tells the system that the transaction is from PeopleSoft CRM.

From GL Unit (from general ledger unit)

The source general ledger business unit (GLBU). Enter the source PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit. With the exception of employee-related transactions (service orders), this value should always be the same as the value in the GL Business Unit field.

GLBU (general ledger business unit)

The PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit defines where the accounting entry is booked. The system populates this field from various sources based on the type of transactions: Agreement Fee Transactions, Service Order Transactions, or Support Case Transactions.

Transaction Type and Transaction Subtype

These fields, which reside in the Transaction Billing Processor, are system-defined codes that identify whether the transaction is an agreement, service order, or support case. This field is critical for Transaction Billing Processor to know the type of accounting. Accounting rules setup is different depending on this field.

Accounting Date

This field is populated with the transaction date if no date is sent from PeopleSoft CRM.


This field is optional. Use a wild card with this value in the accounting rules to use the department sent from PeopleSoft CRM in the revenue accounting entry.


  • “Setting Up the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor” and “Working with PeopleSoft Project Costing,”PeopleSoft FSCM: Contracts product documentation.

  • “Setting Up Accounting for Projects” inPeopleSoft FSCM: Project Costing product documentation.

The 360-Degree View integration to PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable provides the ability to display financial profiles of the customer for agreement-based service fees and service order and case transactions.

Customer profile information that is applicable to the services integration to the Transaction Billing Processor includes: statement number, statement date, statement currency, statement total, bill to customer, outstanding balance, and past due balance.

For invoice data, PeopleSoft CRM sends a request application message to PeopleSoft Billing. PeopleSoft Billing sends a response application message to PeopleSoft CRM with the information that appears under the 360-Degree View tree. In addition, once invoices and payments appear on the 360-Degree View tree for a customer, you can click an invoice or payment to access PeopleSoft Billing, where you can view more details on the invoice.

This table lists the EIPs that PeopleSoft CRM delivers to facilitate the integration of PeopleSoft CRM applications to PeopleSoft Financial Management Services (PeopleSoft FMS), PeopleSoft Enterprise Service Automation (PeopleSoft ESA), PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management (PeopleSoft SCM), and PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (PeopleSoft HCM).

Note: The database code for PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Management is FSCM.

Queue Name


Message and Service Operation Name

Directions of Integration



Sends tax code definitions from PeopleSoft FSCM to CRM.



Application Message


Maps PeopleSoft HCM business units to general ledger business units.




Application Message


Synchronizes request and response messages from PeopleSoft CRM and Contracts for pending activities about agreements, transactions, invoicing, and contracts.









Application Message


Synchronizes messages from PeopleSoft CRM to Contracts for accounting definitions, VAT, and VAT drivers.






Application Message


Synchronizes cost categories (called labor type in PeopleSoft FSCM) from PeopleSoft CRM to Contracts for accounting definitions and VAT drivers.




Application Message


Synchronizes case types and accounting definition information from PeopleSoft CRM to Contracts.






Application Message


Synchronizes schedule information from PeopleSoft Financials to CRM for agreement information and revenue recognition.




Application Message


Synchronizes bill types and bill sources from PeopleSoft SCM to CRM for contract transactions.






Application Message


Generates request and response messages from PeopleSoft CRM to global VAT to generate VAT defaults.




Application Message


Synchronizes messages from PeopleSoft FSCM to CRM for payment terms.




Application Message


Generic message that synchronizes agreement information with third-party vendors.


FieldService —> External

Application Message


Generic message that synchronizes service order billing information with third-party vendors.


FieldService —> External

Application Message

This topic discusses:

  • Contract header

  • Contract line

  • Billing plan

  • Revenue plan

  • Tax parameters

Note: PeopleSoft CRM sends fields to the Transaction Billing Processor to create the contract, contract line, and revenue and billing plans. Many of these fields can be changed manually on the contract. If you want to change a field after contract activation has taken place, you must create an amendment using the Transaction Billing Processor amendment functionality.

Contract Header

These fields must be populated in the contract header. These values are sent from the PeopleSoft CRM agreement. These fields can be overridden on the contract header once they are populated from the CRM agreement:

  • Bill To Contact

  • Bill To Customer

  • Bill To Address

  • Purchase Order ID

    Note: This field is not required and it is populated from the Billing Plan at a Contract Line.

  • Payment Terms

  • Sold To Customer

These fields cannot be overridden on the contract header:

  • Sold To Customer

  • CA Business Unit

  • Currency Code

This table lists additional fields that are required on the contract header and the source from which the system retrieves the value for the field:

PeopleSoft Contracts Field Name


Bill Type

Note: This field is sent from PeopleSoft CRM.

PeopleSoft Contracts Business Unit.

Legal Entity

PeopleSoft Contracts Business Unit.

Contract Signed Date

The system populates this field with the current date. PeopleSoft CRM must send this date to override the default contract signed date.

Contract Type

PeopleSoft Contracts Business Unit.

Exchange Rate Type

PeopleSoft Contracts Business Unit.

Contract Line

These fields that must be populated in the contract line. These values are sent from the PeopleSoft CRM agreement or on-demand service order/case. The list contains fields that can be overridden on the contract line once they are populated from the CRM agreement.

These fields can be overridden on the contract line:

  • Line Description

  • Ship From Location (source = PeopleSoft Contracts business unit)

  • Start Date

  • End Date

    Note: Except for Line Description, these fields are not sent from PeopleSoft CRM.

The Currency Code field cannot be overridden on the contract line. The source for the currency code is the contract header.

Billing Plan

These fields that must be populated in the billing plan. These values are sent from the PeopleSoft CRM agreement or on-demand service order/case. The list contains fields that can be overridden on the billing plan once they are populated from the CRM agreement.

These fields can be overridden on the contract line:

  • Bill To Contact

  • Bill To Customer

  • Bill To Address

These fields appear on the Billing Plan General page. The system populates the fields on this page upon contract creation. This table shows the source from which each field is populated, if the value can be changed in the billing plan in the Transaction Billing Processor, and if the field can be overridden by transactions sent from PeopleSoft CRM:

Billing Plan Field

PeopleSoft Contracts Source


Can Be Overwritten by CRM on Transaction?

Billing Notes

Note: You can create a note in the Transaction Billing Processor and attach that note to a billing plan. It can be sent to PeopleSoft Billing as part of the generated invoice.

Manual process



Contract Number

Contract header



Billing Plan Number

Billing plan



Billing Method

Contract line



Currency Code

Contract header



Bill Plan Description

Contract header



Other fields on the Billing Plan General page, such as the Billing Inquiry, Billing Specialist, Billing Authority, Cycle ID, Bill By ID, and Invoice Form can be added to the billing plan manually or left blank.

Revenue Plan

A contract line is linked to a revenue plan to recognize revenue. The required revenue plan fields populate automatically during contract creation and cannot be overwritten from the transaction data that is sent from PeopleSoft CRM. The revenue plan fields are managed entirely from the contract.

These fields are required for the Revenue Plan page. The table shows the source from which each field is populated. These fields cannot be overridden by transactions sent from PeopleSoft CRM:

Revenue Plan Field

PeopleSoft Contracts Source

Contract Number

Contract header

Sold To Customer

Contract header

Business Unit

Contract header

Revenue Method

Contract Line

Currency Code

Contract header

Revenue Plan Description

Contract header

Hold (flag)

Revenue Plan


Contract header

Note: If a credit hold exists on a customer in PeopleSoft CRM, you must put the revenue plan for the contract on hold by selecting the Hold check box on the Revenue Plan page to prevent transactions from processing. If you select the Hold check box, then you must release the hold manually when you are ready to recognize revenue for the customer.

While every created contract line has a revenue plan, recurring fees do not use the revenue plan for revenue recognition. Revenue plans build a deferred revenue schedule associated with the billing transactions. In addition, on-demand transactions do not need a revenue plan to recognize revenue. PeopleSoft Billing manages revenue for on-demand transactions. PeopleSoft Billing also manages the revenue method for all on-demand and recurring transactions.

To ensure that your customers are billed properly, you should also validate the billing plan and revenue plan details in PeopleSoft Contracts.

Tax Parameters

PeopleSoft CRM sends tax parameter information for agreements to the Transaction Billing Processor. The Transaction Billing Processor stores the CRM tax information in the Contract Interface tables (INTFC_CA) and passes this information on to PeopleSoft Billing for processing. The Billing Plan General - Tax Parameters tab is not available for CRM contracts.

These tax fields are passed from PeopleSoft CRM to the contract interface tables:

  • Ship From Location

  • Tax Code

  • Tax Group

  • Transaction Type

  • Transaction Sub Type

  • Exemption Certificate

  • Physical Nature

  • Order acceptance location.

  • Order origin location.

  • Storage location.

PeopleSoft CRM sends fields to the Transaction Billing Processor to create the contract, contract line, and revenue and billing plans. Many of these fields can be changed manually on the contract. In addition, the Transaction Billing Processor receives sales and use and VAT tax parameters if they are sent by PeopleSoft CRM.

Transaction Billing Processor interface tables (INTFC_CA, INTFC_CA2, INTFC_CA_HDR, and INTFC_CA_NOTE) are duplicates of the Billing interface tables. However, the first two keys on the billing table, INTFC_ID and INFC_LINE_NUM, have been changed to the single key CA_TXN_ID on the Transaction Billing Processor tables.

See Also

PeopleSoft FSCM: Contracts, “Processing PeopleSoft Contracts Billing”

PeopleSoft FSCM: Billing, “Entering Bills Online”

The Contracts interface tables store the transactions from PeopleSoft CRM. The first two keys on the billing table, INTFC_ID and INFC_LINE_NUM, have been changed to the single key CA_TXN_ID on the Transaction Billing Processor tables.

PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService and Support

PeopleSoft CRM sends service order transaction information, case transaction information, and service agreement fees to be billed or accounted for to the Transaction Billing Processor interface tables.

PeopleSoft Order Capture

PeopleSoft Order Capture sends these fields to the Transaction Billing Processor for every transaction:

  • Sold to Customer.

  • Sold To Contact.

  • Sold To Address.

  • Contract Business Unit.

The Transaction Billing Processor sends these fields to PeopleSoft Order Capture as a response:

  • Contract Number

  • Contract Line Number

  • PeopleSoft Contracts Business Unit

  • Error Status

  • Error Message

The system creates a billing plan with an As-incurred billing method for the service transactions sent from PeopleSoft CRM to PeopleSoft Contracts. Pricing occurs in PeopleSoft CRM for all services on the agreement, such as service order transactions, service agreement fees, and cases. Contract lines within an agreement-related contract are linked to the billing plan. Although these billing plans contain rules defined by default upon contract creation, you can manually override the system defaults.

This table presents source and override information for the fields on the billing plan:


CA Source

Override on Billing Plan?

Override from CRM Transaction?

Billing Notes

Manual Process



Contract #

Contract Header



Billing Plan #

Billing Plan



Billing Method

Contract Line



Currency Code

Contract Header



Bill Plan Description

Contract Header



You can link only CRM lines to a billing plan created from CRM transactions. You cannot mix lines with different transaction sources on the billing plan. For example, you cannot link a CRM contract line with a Project Costing contract line.

PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService, PeopleSoft Support, and PeopleSoft Order Capture send credit card information to the Transaction Billing Processor. The Transaction Billing Processor does not validate the credit card numbers.