Year-End Processing Checklist

Refer to the following checklist as you process year-end information:




Archive the year-end information.

From the Canadian Year End Processing menu (G77247), choose Update T4/Relevé to archival.

See Archiving Year-End Information

Install the update to the software.

This guide does not include software installation and the necessary application-specific instructions (ASIs) or the Post-Install menu instructions. Review the information in the Installation Workbook for additional instructions.

Run the history integrity reports.

From the Data Integrity & Global Updates menu (G7731), choose:

  • Taxation History F0713

  • Payroll Month PDBAs F06146

  • Calendar Month DBAs F06145

  • Payroll History Audit Report

Run year-end rollovers for calendar month and payroll month.

From the Integrity and Rollover menu (G772471), choose Year End Rollover.

See Processing Rollovers

Verify employment insurance and employment insurance hours integrity for the entire year.

From the EI Integrity menu (G77311), choose EI Integrity Validation and EI F06176 Hour Validation.

See Verifying Employment Insurance History Integrity

Repost tax area information.

From the Data Integrity & Global Updates menu (G7731), choose PDBAs to Tax Area Sum. F06148.

See Reposting Tax Area Information

Repost Tax IDs, if necessary.

From the Data Integrity & Global Update menu (G7731) Choose Tax ID to Tax Ledger F0716.

See Repost Tax ID to Tax Ledger F0716 (P07990)

Repost tax ledger information, if necessary.

From the Data Integrity & Global Updates menu (G7731), choose Tax Ledger to Tax Sum. F0713.

See Reposting Tax Ledger Information

Repost workers compensation summary, if necessary.

From the Data Integrity & Global Update menu (G7731), choose Workers Comp. Summary F0627

See Reposting the Workers Compensation Summary

Verify Employee Names and Addresses.

From the Address Book menu (G01), choose Address Book Revisions.

See Verifying Employee Names and Addresses

Verify Company information.

From the Address Book menu (G01), choose Address Book Revisions.

See Verifying Company Information

Set up pension plan numbers.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose Pension Numbers.

See Verifying Pension Plan Numbers

Set up special handling pay codes.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose Special Handling Pay Codes.

See Verifying Special Handling Pay Codes

Set up province of employment codes.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose Province of Employment.

See Verifying Province of Employment

Set up T4 other information codes.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose T4 Other Information.

See Verifying T4 and T4A Other Information Codes

Set up T4A other information codes.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose T4A Other Information.

See Verifying T4 and T4A Other Information Codes

Set up T4 employment codes.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose T4 Employment Codes.

See Verifying T4 Employment Codes

Set up Relevé 1 Case O codes.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose RL-1 Case O Codes.

See Verifying RL-1 Case O Codes

Set up Relevé 2 source of income codes.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose RL-2 Source of Income Codes.

See Verifying RL-2 Source of Income Codes

Set up country codes.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose Country Codes.

See Verifying Country Codes

Cross-reference PDBAs to special handling codes.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose Revise Special Handling Tables.

See Working with Special Handling

Add pension information.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose Pension Batch Update or Pension Info. Maintenance.

See Setting Up Pension Records

Cross-reference special handling codes to specific boxes on year-end forms.

From the T4/Relevé Setup menu (G772472), choose Assign Special Handle Code Tables.

See Working with Special Handling

Add non-resident secondary name information.

From the Canadian Employee Information menu (G7711), choose Profile Data Entry

See Setting up Non-Resident Secondary/Joint Information

Add non-resident account information.

From the Canadian Employee Information menu (G7711), choose Profile Data Entry.

See Setting up Non-Resident Secondary/Joint Information

Add T4A beneficiary information.

From the Address Book menu (G01), choose Address Book Revisions.

See Setting Up T4A Beneficiary/Dependent Information

Build the workfiles.

From the Canadian Year End Processing menu (G77247), choose Build T4/Relevé Workfiles.

See Creating Year-End Workfiles

Run the Create XML and Audit File Builds and review the integrity reports.

From the XML Processing menu (G772475), choose any of the options under the Create XML and Audit File Builds menu title that are applicable to your company and review the reports for any errors in your setup.

See Creating the XML File

Enter adjustments.

From the Canadian Year End Processing menu (G77247), choose Version Review.

See Entering Adjustments to Year-End Forms

Print returns on plain paper.

From the Print Year End Forms menu (G772477), choose Print Laser Forms.

See Printing Multiple Year-End Forms

Reset the print flags.

From the Canadian Year End Processing menu (G77247), choose Version Reset Control.

See Resetting Year-End Workfile Versions

Create XML Files and Audit Files.

From the XML Processing menu (G772475), choose any of the options under the Create XML and Audit File Builds menu title that are applicable to your company.

Review the XML Integrity reports for errors. If any errors exist, make the necessary corrections and run the XML and Audit File Build program again. The system validates the XML file successfully if the integrity report contains the following message: **XML File Contains No Errors**.

See Creating the XML File

Print and Review the XML Audit Reports.

From the XML Processing menu (G772475), choose any of the options under the Audit Reports menu title that are applicable to your company. These audit reports simply print the information in your XML files so that you can review what will be electronically transmitted when you submit your files.

Transfer XML Files to a PC.

If using FTP instead of IFS, from the XML Processing menu (G772475), choose Transfer XML Files to a PC.

See Creating the XML File

Submit T4/T4A Returns.

Submit the returns through the CRA's internet file transfer (XML) secure web site.

Submit RL-1 and RL-2 Returns.

Submit the returns through Québec's Electronic Services website.

Update tax records to avoid multiple T4s (optional).

See Updating Tax Records to Avoid Multiple T4s

Verify and update the various rates and limits before processing the first payroll for the new year.

Access the websites for the Canada Revenue Agency and the Ministere du Revenu du Québec.