Service Update Notification Ribbon

Most of the buttons on the service update notifications ribbon reflect common B2C Service functionality and work the same way as they do in reports.

In addition to viewing Compatibility Exceptions and Deprecated Items reports, you can search and filter the report data, define how you want the data to display on the report, and export data in a variety of formats. You can also edit the Status column of each report.

Service Update Notification Ribbon

Group/Button Description
Action The button in this group lets you edit the Status column of the report.


Click this button to edit the Status column of the report. To edit the status of multiple rows, press Ctrl while selecting each record you want to edit at the same time. You can also press Shift to select multiple consecutive rows.
View The buttons in this group let you view and edit records using inline editing.
Compatibility Exceptions Click this button to display the Compatibility Exceptions report. This report describes changes that may result in different behavior of functionality from previous versions. It also describes which users are affected by the change, its business impact, and the steps you can take to remedy the effects of the change.

Compatibility Exceptions is selected by default when you open service update notifications.

Deprecated Items Click this button to display the Deprecated Items report. This report describes items that have been replaced in this release, the reason for the deprecation, if replacements are available and what they are, and the migration steps you can take to replace the functionality that was deprecated.
Audit Log Click this button to view the audit log for the selected row.
Data Set The buttons in this group let you search for data in the report, refresh the display, and reset the search criteria to the report defaults.
Search Click this button to open the report Search window to select criteria for variables and runtime selectable filters. See How You Search in Reports.
Refresh Click this button to reload the data shown using the current search criteria of the report.
Reset Click this button to reload the data shown using the report default search criteria.
Find Click this button to open the Find window to enter text, numeric values, or special characters you want to find in the report output. Report cells that contain the search value are highlighted on the report. See Find Content in a Report.
Find Next Click this button to highlight the next instance of the search values entered on the Find window.
Clear Click this button to clear the search values entered on the Find window.
Analyze The buttons in this group let you sort the data shown on the report and apply auto-filtering, rollups, and slicing to the data.
Auto Filter Click this button to enable auto-filtering in the report. Auto-filtering provides column filtering after the report has been generated. See Enable Auto Filters.
Sort Click this button to open the Sort window and select which output columns to sort by and the sort method. See Change Sort Order Using the Ribbon and Change Sort Order Using Column Headers.
Rollups Click this button to select rollup options and open the Rollups window. See Define Rollups.
Slice Click this button to select slice options and open the Slice window. Slicing groups data so you can view only the subset of records you are interested in. See How You Slice Report Data.
Report The buttons in this group let you export the report, forward the report in an email, and save and restore default settings.
Export Click this button to export the data from a report to a file for use with third-party applications. You can export report data in the following formats: HTML, PDF, Excel, XML, Image, and Delimited. You can also copy report data to the clipboard. See Export Report and Dashboard Data.

Permission to export, print, and forward reports must be enabled in your profile for this button to display. See Analytics Permissions.

Forward Click this button to send the report to individuals or distribution lists in an email. See Forward a Report.

Permission to export, print, and forward reports must be enabled in your profile for this button to display. See Analytics Permissions.

Default Settings Click this button and select Save as Default to save your personalized display and data settings for a report for later use. Select Restore to remove personalized display and data settings from a report and restore the settings to those defined in the report. See Reset Display and Data Settings.
Print Click the arrow on this button to access printing options.
Publish Click this button to save the current report as a read-only snapshot of the current data. The snapshot will be an exact representation of the current data set, including any display options or customizations. You will be prompted to name the report and save it to a folder in the Reports tree where it can be accessed through the Reports explorer. See Overview of the Analytics Explorers.