Overview of Explorers

Explorers are used to access and manage mailings, campaigns, questions, surveys, audiences, and content library items created in Outreach and Feedback.

With these explorers, you can browse, search, and organize items in hierarchical folders on the content pane using functions similar to Windows Explorer. Like Windows Explorer, each B2C Service explorer consists of a set of hierarchal folders and a detailed list of available items. Explorers display items of their associated type. For instance, documents are listed in the Documents explorer.

While each explorer generally resides in its associated navigation list, it is important to remember that explorers can be added to (or removed from) any navigation list, just like a report. For example, the Mailings explorer can be added to the Mailings navigation list or to a different navigation list. If you are unable to find a specific explorer in any of your navigation lists, contact your administrator.

The following table describes how to open each Outreach and Feedback explorer from its most common location on the navigation pane.

Outreach and Feedback Explorers

Explorer Description

Outreach Explorers

These explorers are used to manage mailings and campaigns.


Click Mailings on the navigation pane and double-click Mailings Explorer. See Overview of Mailings.


Click Campaigns on the navigation pane and double-click Campaigns Explorer. See Overview of Campaigns.

Feedback Explorers

These explorers are used to manage questions and surveys in Feedback.


Click Questions on the navigation pane and double-click Questions Explorer. See Overview of Questions.


Click Surveys on the navigation pane and double-click Surveys Explorer. See Overview of Surveys.

Audience Explorers

These explorers are used to manage audiences in both Outreach and Feedback.

Contact Lists

Click Audiences on the navigation pane and double-click Contact Lists Explorer. See Add a Contact List.


Click Audiences on the navigation pane and double-click Segments Explorer. See Create a Segment.

Content Library Explorers

These explorers are used to manage content library items in both Outreach and Feedback.


Click Content Library on the navigation pane and double-click Documents Explorer. See Create a Document.

Tracked Links

Click Content Library on the navigation pane and double-click Tracked Links Explorer. See Add a Tracked Link.

File Attachments

Click Content Library on the navigation pane and double-click File Attachments Explorer. See Add a File.


Click Content Library on the navigation pane and double-click Templates Explorer. See How Templates Work.


Click Content Library on the navigation pane and double-click Snippets Explorer. See How Snippets Work.