Creating email headers and footers

You can create an email header or footer in the component library that you can reuse with multiple emails.

Note: It is generally recommended that certain elements of the footer are provided to comply with legislation, for example the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States. If the email you are sending is not designed to be sent frequently, then an unsubscribe link may not be necessary. For example, a one-time confirmation email may not require links to subscription options.

To create an email header or footer:

  1. Navigate to Assets An image of the Assets icon, which is represented by a black pencil. > Components, then click Email Header or Email Footer.
  2. Click New in the upper-right corner to open the editor.
  3. Rename the header or footer by double-clicking the name.

    An image of the email header editor.

  4. Add your header or footer content. Learn more about Using the rich text editor. To edit the HTML code, click Src. To edit the plain text version, click Plain Text.
  5. Click Save.

After you finish:

  • If your content could appear in an email, check the results of the responsive validation tool. The tool identifies issues that could prevent the content from adapting to different screen sizes. The tool checks for tables, images that might not scale, and long text strings.

    An image indicating there are no responsive issues indicates that there are no responsive concerns.

    An image indicating that there are responsive issues indicates that there might be responsive issues. Click the notification icon to review the issues. Learn some tips on how to keep your email responsive.

    If an image was identified as not being responsive, double-click the image and choose the Responsive setting.

    An image of the Rich Text Image Editor with the Responsive setting selected

    Learn more about keeping images responsive with this feature.

  • Preview your email header and footer.
  • If you need to edit the header or footer, see Managing email headers and footers.
  • Add the header or footer to emails and landing pages. Make the header or footer the default for an email group.

    Tip: Headers and footers are shareable assets and added to emails based on the selected email group. Therefore, modifying an email header or footer updates the asset in all emails.

Learn more

Creating plain-text email headers and footers

Managing email headers and footers

Email headers and footers

Using the rich text editor


Email groups