Using the rich text editor

The rich text editor is used when creating:

The following sections discuss how to use the rich text editor and responsive validation tool.

An image of the rich text editor


Enter the text and use the formatting toolbar to format the text.

An image of the Rich Text Editor.


To add an image using the rich text editor:

  1. Place the cursor where you want to add the image, then click the Images tab in the right-hand pane.
  2. Double-click an image to place it at the cursor location.

    An image of an image being inserted.

  3. Double-click the image you added to adjust the size, position and formatting.

    An image of the rich text image editor

The Responsive check box automatically applies styles to the image so that it can adapt to different screen sizes. If you are familiar with HTML code, selecting this check box does the following:

  • Adds the class elq-responsive to the image element.
  • Sets the image's style to width: 100%; height: auto; max-width:<size_of_image> where the <size_of_image> is the original width of the image.

These style settings help ensure that the image scales on different screen sizes. The max-width property ensures the image never scales larger than its original size.

Field merges

To add an field merge using the rich text editor:

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the field merge, then click the Field Merges tab in the right-hand pane.
  2. Double-click a field merge to insert it at the cursor location.

    An image of a field merge being inserted.


To add a hyperlink using the rich text editor:

  1. Select the text or image that you want to use as a link.
  2. Click the Hyperlinks tab, then click the Enable as Hyperlink check box.

    An image of a hyperlink being inserted.

  3. Select the type of link from the Link Type drop-down list.

You can added the following types of links:

Type Description

Landing Page

Link to an existing landing page in the application. The landing pages that you can link to are available from the hyperlink library. Learn more about the Component Library.

Links to landing pages are tracked by default.

File in File Storage

Link to a file that has been uploaded to the file storage, such as a PDF file. Learn more about  Component Library.

Links to files in file storage are tracked by default.


Link to an external web page. These types of links can include field merges.

Use the Add tracking for untracked external pages or the Redirect for untracked pages check box to enable tracking on an otherwise untracked website. See Tracking links to external websites for more information about external link tracking.

NoteOracle Eloqua landing pages are tracked by default, no action is required to track landing pages. If a landing page URL is detected when adding a webpage link, the tracking option will be disabled and the URL link will not be displayed in manage links.

System Action

Link to subscription management or email viewing options. Often these links are included in the email header or footer, but can be included in the body of the email as well.

System action links are not tracked.

The following system actions are available:

  • Add to Email Group: Allows the recipient to subscribe to the email group for the current email.
  • Remove from Email Group: Allows the recipient to unsubscribe from the email group for the current email.
  • Send to Subscription List: Sends the recipient to the Oracle Eloqua Subscription Management Page where they can manage all their email group subscriptions as well as globally opt-in or opt-out of emails from your organization. Learn more about the Subscription Management Page.
  • Send to Subscription Page: Sends the recipient to a page that communicates their subscription status for the email group for the current email.
  • Subscribe to All: Allows the recipient to globally subscribe to all emails.
  • Unsubscribe from All: Allows the recipient to globally unsubscribe from all emails.
  • View online version: Allows the recipient to open the email in a web browser instead.

Note: If you use Eloqua's unsubscribe system action link, and are not sending contacts to a subscription management page, we recommend that you setup an intermediate unsubscribe page. This is a landing page created in Eloqua using a template we provide. When a contact clicks an unsubscribe link, they are presented this page to confirm the unsubscribe. If you do not use this type of landing page, contacts can be unsubscribed by email scanning tools unintentionally. To enable the intermediate unsubscribe page, update your email defaults.

New Email Message

Creates a link that when clicked will open a new email message in the visitor's default email program. This is a also called a mailto link.

This is not available in Oracle Guided Campaigns.

Responsive validation tool

If your content could appear in an email, check the results of the responsive validation tool. The tool identifies issues that could prevent the content from adapting to different screen sizes. The tool checks for tables, images that might not scale, and long text strings.

An image indicating there are no responsive issues indicates that there are no responsive concerns.

An image indicating that there are responsive issues indicates that there might be responsive issues. Click the notification icon to review the issues. Learn some tips on how to keep your email responsive.

If an image was identified as not being responsive, double-click the image and choose the Responsive setting.

An image of the Rich Text Image Editor with the Responsive setting selected

Learn more about keeping images responsive with this feature.

Learn more

Creating email headers and footers

Creating shared content

Creating dynamic content

Creating signature layouts