Program Canvas
Program Canvas is an easy to use, drag-and-drop whiteboard that allows you to transform data within Oracle Eloqua in real-time. Using Program Canvas, you can build programs that automate repetitive manual tasks related to various marketing functions like CRM integration, data cleansing, and security label management. You can also download apps from the Oracle Marketing AppCloud to help simplify and extend your data workflows.
Previously, you would have used Program Builder to achieve these workflow automation goals. However, Program Canvas offers you the flexibility of Program Builder and some additional benefits:
- Improve your speed-to-lead time by using CRM cloud apps for integration instead of external calls.
- Maintain a cleaner contact database by easily integrating the Contact Washing Machine app with your programs.
- A new listener architecture that triggers program actions in real time based on lead score changes or new contact creation.
- Integration with the Oracle Marketing AppCloud so you can easily sync data from external systems with Oracle Eloqua.
- An improved user interface, making it easier to quickly build your programs.
Note: Program Canvas offers significant benefits over Program Builder but not all of the capabilities of Program Builder are available in Program Canvas as of yet. As a result, you can build programs using Program Canvas or Program Builder depending on the goals of your program. Visit the Oracle Eloqua Release Center to find information about the latest Program Canvas features as they become available.
Learn more by watching the video
CRM integration
Oracle CX Sales (formerly Oracle Sales Cloud) users can easily keep in sync with Oracle Eloqua using Program Canvas and the Oracle Sales Cloud Integration app. Integrating your CRM with a program can improve your speed-to-lead time and conversion rates.
Contact your account representative for more information about plans for additional CRM integration apps.
AppCloud integration
Using the Oracle Marketing AppCloud you can easily sync with external systems to keep your database up to date and clean. The following apps can integrate with the Program Canvas:
- WebEx
- GoToWebinar
- Form Submit Action
- Contact Washing Machine
- Oracle B2C Service (formerly Oracle Service Cloud)
To find out how you can integrate your apps with Program Canvas, visit the Oracle Eloqua Developer Help Center.
The basics of a program
Every program is composed of three types of highly customizable program steps:
- Data sources pull contacts or custom objects into your program from the source specified.
- Decisions evaluate contacts or custom objects based on various filters, such as field values or shared list membership. Each contact or custom object flows through the program following the decisions yes or no path.
- Actions process contacts or custom objects based on the decision step. For example, you can add contacts to other programs, campaigns, and shared lists.
Learn more: Program Canvas steps
Next steps
Exporting program entry, exit, or pending members reports
Operational reports for programs