Workbook Templates


By default, only users with the Analytics Administrator permission can access the workbook and dataset templates in your account. If you do not have the Analytics Administrator permission, contact a user with the Analytics Administrator permission about sharing the templates with you.

SuiteAnalytics Workbook offers over 20 workbook templates, based on the available dataset templates in your account. Each template includes a different set of workbook visualizations for you to analyze your data, including a Table View containing all of the fields from the underlying dataset. Use these templates to quickly analyze and visualize different parts of your company data. To access the underlying dataset template, click the dataset name in the Dataset Panel from any of the workbook visualizations and select Open Dataset. Some templates might also be based on a set of linked datasets. For more information, see Dataset Linking in SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

The following workbook templates are currently available in SuiteAnalytics Workbook. If you have the Analytics Adminstrator permission, access the templates by selecting Templates on the Workbooks subtab of the Analytics Home page:


Some templates are feature dependent. If you do not see one of the listed templates in your account, contact your account administrator.

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