Dataset Templates


By default, only users with the Analytics Administrator permission can access the workbook and dataset templates in your account. If you do not have the Analytics Administrator permission, contact a user with the Analytics Administrator permission about sharing the templates with you.

SuiteAnalytics Workbook offers over 20 dataset templates. Each template includes preselected fields, joined record types, and criteria filters so that you can quickly create a custom workbook or your own version of the dataset. Additionally, each dataset template has an accompanying, predefined workbook template. For information about workbook templates, see Workbook Templates.

The following dataset templates are currently available in SuiteAnalytics Workbook. If you have the Analytics Adminstrator permission, access the templates by selecting Templates on the Datasets subtab of the Analytics Home page:


Some templates are feature dependent. If you do not see one of the listed templates in your account, contact your account administrator.

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