Customer Return Management Tips

Requiring returns to be processed using authorizations enables managers to track returns and employees to process returns in an organized, step-by-step manner.

To get the best benefits from working with customer returns, follow these tips:

  1. Require a return authorization to be entered for every customer return.

    • If you do not use an authorization to track a return, it is difficult to answer these questions about returns quickly or accurately:

      Did we expect this item from this customer?

      Did a manager approve the return?

      Did returned items already get added back into stock or get refunded?

      Was the refund price correct?

    • If you enter an authorization for only some returns, you will not be able to track accurate data for all returns and chances increase that employees in different departments will have incorrect or incomplete information.

  2. Record the authorization for each expected return before it arrives at your warehouse. Then, return process is not slowed by unaccounted for items cluttering the warehouse.

  3. Establish a standard practice to always record new information about the authorization at each step in the process so your records are always current and accurate.

    By updating authorizations, each step of the return process is documented and can be tracked, from when the authorization is issued until the return is credited back to the customer. Then, an authorization can be referenced so you always know the status of each return.

  4. Issue credit for a returned item only from an RMA showing the item has been received.

    This ensures that the correct item is credited the correct amount at the correct time.

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