Entering a Standalone Return Authorization

A return authorization form is a record of expected customer returns holds information about the items you expect to receive. For more information, read Return Authorization (RMA) Forms.

A standalone return authorization is not linked to a sale transaction. This means that no information is sourced from an existing transaction to create the authorization, such as item prices, item discounts, or quantities. All information must be entered in the authorization manually.

For information about linked return authorizations, read Entering a Linked Return Authorization.


You also can use the Import Assistant to import return authorization data from a CSV file. See Return Authorization Import.

To enter a standalone return authorization:

  1. Go to Transactions > Customers > Issue Return Authorizations (Administrator).

  2. Under Primary Information:

    1. In the Custom Form field, select a standard return authorization form or one you have already customized.

    2. Select the customer or project you are authorizing a return for.

    3. If you are using the Multiple Currencies feature, select the currency for this return. For more information, see Customers and Multiple Currencies.

      The return authorization number shows in the Rtn. Auth. # field.


      If you enable the override of autogenerated numbers for return authorizations, you can edit this field. Otherwise this field is display only. Enable overrides at Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers on the Transactions subtab.

    4. Accept or enter the date.

    5. Accept or select the status of this transaction.


      By selecting Pending Receipt, the return authorization skips the approval process.

      You can set up a default status for return authorizations on the Order Management subtab at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences > Order Management (Administrator).

    6. In the PO# field, enter the original purchase order number associated with this order.

    7. In the Memo field, you can enter information about this customer return, such as the reason for the return.

  3. Under Sales Management:

    1. You can change the sales effective date for this transaction. The sales effective date determines which commission plan and historical sales team this transaction applies to.

      If this return is created from a sales order, the sales effective date from the order shown in the Created From field is set by default for this return authorization.

    2. Check Exclude Commissions to exclude this transaction and its subordinate transactions from inclusion in all commission calculations. For example, selecting this box on a sales order excludes the sales order and the resulting invoice from all commission calculations for all sales people.

    3. Select the lead source this transaction is associated with.

      • If you use the Marketing Automation feature, your list of lead sources is your list of campaigns.

      • If you do not use Marketing Automation, you can create new lead sources at Setup > Sales > Setup Tasks > CRM Lists > New > Lead Source (Administrator).

    4. In the Sales Rep field, select the original sales rep for this order.

      You can change the sales effective date for this transaction. The sales effective date determines which commission plan and historical sales team this transaction applies to.

  4. Under Classification, select a department, class or location if you track them.


    If you use NetSuite OneWorld and the selected customer is shared with multiple subsidiaries, you can choose any subsidiary assigned to the selected customer. For information about sharing customer records with multiple subsidiaries, see Assigning Subsidiaries to a Customer.

  5. On the Items subtab, enter information about each item credited, and click Add after each.

    If the item being returned is a serialized item, you can:

    • enter the customer name, then enter the item number in the item field. Next, click List to select the serial number sold to this customer.

    • enter the serial number and the item number will autofill the Item field.

    For more information, see Adding Items on a Sales Transaction.

  6. On the Billing subtab, enter the billing details for this customer. For more information, see Adding Billing Information to a Transaction.

  7. The Accounting subtab only shows if you are using the Multiple Currencies or Revenue Recognition features, if you have not enabled the Per-Line Taxes preference at Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Set Up Taxes (Administrator), or if you have added fields to this subtab. For more information, see Entering Accounting information about a Sales Transaction.

  8. On the Relationships subtab, enter a contact or partner details for this transaction. For more information, see Entering Relationships on a Transaction.

  9. On the Sales Team subtab, if you use the Team Selling feature, select the Sales Team for this transaction. For more information, see Associating Sales Teams with Customers and Transactions.

  10. On the Communication subtab, enter communication information for this transaction. For more information, see Entering Communication Information to a Transaction.

  11. Click Save.

The customer return authorization is recorded in the Return Authorizations Register, a non-posting account in your chart of accounts.

Now, you can track the return of these items into your inventory.

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General Notices