
Sourcing Lane Definition

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Setup > Sourcing Lane Definition.

The Sourcing Lane Definition page contains specific lane information that is only used with the Oracle Transportation Sourcing functionality. When sourcing rates, there will typically be thousands of lanes and information such as business unit, customer ID and rate information can provide valuable information for buyers when reviewing bids received for these lanes. Other attributes such as lane attributes, remarks, pickup & drop information, and other information can be included in the CRT Configuration. Most of the attributes on this page can be selected for inclusion in the carrier response template via the CRT configuration. However, you would not typically include attributes such as business unit, customer ID, and rate information in the carrier response template.

Sourcing lanes can only be created based on an Oracle Transportation Management lane. While the Oracle Transportation Management lane provides general geographic details required to build shipments, a sourcing lane provides specific sourcing attributes.

Creating a New Sourcing Lane Definition

To create a sourcing lane definition, first select the Oracle Transportation Management lane definition on which the sourcing lane is to be based.

Creating a new sourcing lane consists of the following steps:

  1. Select the Lane ID. This lane ID must be an existing Oracle Transportation Management Lane ID. Click on the f or l icons to the left of the Lane ID field to search for an existing lane ID.
  2. Specify a Domain Name.
  3. Enter a Sourcing Rule Set ID.
  4. Enter specific sourcing attributes as described below:

Lane Attributes

A lane attribute will typically be a description of the lane and is used to identify the lane is some unique way. This is used for information only by Oracle Transportation Sourcing. Lane attributes are similar to remarks.

  1. Enter a Lane Attribute Def ID.
  2. Enter a Value.
  3. Click Save.

Note: If adding more than one value, the resulting values will appear in the carrier response template as a list separated by commas (e.g., value1, value2, etc.).

Lane Customers

In Oracle Transportation Sourcing, the customer ID is for information only and will typically be the customer ID of the company the service provider (carrier) is either delivering to or picking up from. A customer ID can also be used for Brokerage and Forwarding but in a different context.

When sourcing rates, there will typically be thousands of lanes and information such as business unit and customer ID provide valuable information for buyers when reviewing bids received for these lanes.

  1. Enter a Customer ID.
  2. Click Save.

Business Units

Typically, a business unit ID represents the part of a customers (lane customer) business to which this lane belongs.

  1. Enter a Business Unit ID.
  2. Click Save.

Rate Information

Typically information entered in this section is internal for the buyer only. You could specify target rates that you would like to see for this lane and then compare these target rates to the bids received during the bid analysis process.

  1. Enter a Primary Target Rate and currency.
  2. Enter a Primary Fleet Rate and currency.

Pickup & Drop Information

Similar to accessorial duration, pickup and drop off information is lane specific information that the buyer wants to capture for future reference when analyzing bids.

  1. Select a Pickup Type. Options are LIVE or DROP.
  2. Select a Pickup Day.
  3. Select a Pickup Time.
  4. Select a Drop Type. Options are LIVE or DROP.
  5. Select a Drop Day.
  6. Select a Drop Time.

Other Information

  1. Select a Move Category. Specify the type of move. Options are INBOUND, OUTBOUND, or INTERFACILITY.
  2. Select Ownership.
  3. Select Yes or No for Customer Pickup.
  4. Enter a Commodity ID.
  5. Select Yes or No for Hazmat.
  6. Enter an Average Weight and select the unit of measure.
  7. Enter an Origin Ramp.
  8. Enter a Destination Ramp.
  9. Enter an Avg Distance and select the unit of measure.

Note: Average distance when entered on the Sourcing Lane Definition will override the average distance on the lane summary.

  1. Enter a Pallet Count.
  2. Enter Average Stops.

Adding Flex Fields

You can add additional user-defined fields to the Sourcing lane definition using a combination of a configured version of the Sourcing lane definition manager/screen set and flex fields. Once you capture the additional lane related data using flex fields, you can make the data available on the carrier response template by including it in the CRT configuration. Refer to the topic Configuring the User Interface for additional information on manager layouts, screen sets, and menus.

If you rename these user defined attribute columns, ensure that the naming is consistent in the following places:

  • the CRT Display Name field for that user defined attribute
  • field name for that user defined attribute on a user-defined Sourcing lane definition

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